Curation Reporting
Curations Required
When you run the following tutorial, it will only return a response if there are actually curations within your set. Go into the test set you're working with and make a few curations.
PS: Add variety! Try selecting some model predictions, select from the text, add some "additional answers" (aka custom curations), and a few "No Answer Applicable". You can also assign yourself as a Moderator and/or Curator to try out those inputs in the response as well.
High Level Curation Overview
Get a high level overview of the curation being done on a set, you can run /layar/question/search. Using this call, you will learn the following:
- Who has been assigned to that document/question (and what their role is)
- Whether or not there is 'discord' between the curators
- What percent the curation has been completed
- Whether a document/question has been moderated
- And much more!
response ="{envUrl}/layar/question/search", # note the set ID
data = json.dumps({
"batchGroupingKeys": ["AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W"],
"hasUserCurations": ["TRUE"], # Set to TRUE to include both custom answers (Select from Text, Additional Answers, No Answer Applicable) *as well as* when curators have accepted a model prediction
"rows": 100, # Number of results to return (max 5K before requiring pagination with 'start' param)
"start": 0}),
headers = {
'authorization':f"Bearer {token}",
'X-Vyasa-Client': 'curate',
'X-Vyasa-Data-Fabric' : 'YOUR_FABRIC_ID'
temp = response.json()
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(temp)
df = df.drop(['queryString', 'minimumRequestedAnswers','pageIterationCount', 'createdByUser', 'searchCommandJsonString', 'truncateTextToLength'], axis=1)
// this is a single example pulled from the response
[{'queryString': 'Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body?',
'jobId': 'b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W',
'questionKey': 'Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body?',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'pubmed_36464628',
'dataProviders': ',,',
'truncateTextToLength': 20000,
'searchCommandJsonString': '{"documentIds":["pubmed_36464628"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"}',
'minimumRequestedAnswers': 5,
'pageIterationCount': 0,
'advancedParams': {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0},
'complete': True,
'assignedUserIds': [],
'moderatorUserIds': [],
'assignedUserCount': 0,
'curationDiscord': False,
'moderated': False,
'userCurations': [{'createdByUser': 25036,
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:54:18.161+0000',
'curations': [{'curationType': 'CUSTOM',
'customString': 'test custom curation'}]}],
'curatedAnswerUserCount': 1,
'curatedAnswerTotalCount': 1,
'curatedAnswerUniqueCount': 1,
'curationPercentComplete': 0.0,
'deepLearningModelId': 'AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp',
'bestAnswers': ['test custom curation'],
'hasAnswers': True,
'id': 'AYYJ_Fxqn02FJXK6Tk6K',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:39:39.113+0000',
'datePublished': '2023-01-31T22:39:39.113+0000',
'dateUpdated': '2023-01-31T22:54:18.075+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036}]
Example dataframe:
| | jobId | batchGroupingKey | questionKey | singleDocQuestionDocumentId | typeOfSearch | dataProviders | sectionKeywords | complete | assignedUserIds | moderatorUserIds | assignedUserCount | curationDiscord | moderated | userCurations | curatedAnswerUserCount | curatedAnswerTotalCount | curatedAnswerUniqueCount | curationPercentComplete | bestAnswers | hasAnswers | id | dateIndexed | datePublished | dateUpdated | advancedParams | deepLearningModelId |
| 0 | 3ce7e538-69e2-4eba-a88a-d7d3aa5fb09d | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36259635 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:54:55.627+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-S_heme'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['heme'] | True | AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-S | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.657+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.657+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:54:55.539+0000 | nan | nan |
| 1 | 3ce7e538-69e2-4eba-a88a-d7d3aa5fb09d | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36455995 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:54:49.697+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9t_heme'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['heme'] | True | AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9t | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.655+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.655+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:54:49.614+0000 | nan | nan |
| 2 | 3ce7e538-69e2-4eba-a88a-d7d3aa5fb09d | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36464628 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:54:52.162+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9p_heme'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['heme'] | True | AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9p | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.654+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.654+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:54:52.081+0000 | nan | nan |
| 3 | 453f834e-7d59-4140-9728-0d13e8ea7db5 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36455995 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:54:40.484+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk78_not_cancer'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['not_cancer'] | True | AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk78 | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.107+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.107+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:54:40.391+0000 | nan | nan |
| 4 | 453f834e-7d59-4140-9728-0d13e8ea7db5 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36464628 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:54:43.031+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk74_not_cancer'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['not_cancer'] | True | AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk74 | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.107+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.107+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:54:42.948+0000 | nan | nan |
| 5 | 453f834e-7d59-4140-9728-0d13e8ea7db5 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36518180 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:54:45.494+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk7p_cancer'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['cancer'] | True | AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk7p | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.106+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.106+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:54:45.408+0000 | nan | nan |
| 6 | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | pubmed_36259635 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:54:28.728+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ_H2zn02FJXK6Tk68_femoral_head'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['femoral head'] | True | AYYJ_H2zn02FJXK6Tk68 | 2023-01-31T22:39:47.599+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:47.599+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:54:28.634+0000 | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp |
| 7 | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | pubmed_36455995 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:54:07.152+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ_GBOn02FJXK6Tk6O_jaw'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['jaw'] | True | AYYJ_GBOn02FJXK6Tk6O | 2023-01-31T22:39:40.109+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:40.109+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:54:07.056+0000 | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp |
| 8 | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | pubmed_36464628 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:54:18.161+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'CUSTOM', 'customString': 'test custom curation'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['test custom curation'] | True | AYYJ_Fxqn02FJXK6Tk6K | 2023-01-31T22:39:39.113+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:39.113+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:54:18.075+0000 | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp |
| 9 | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | pubmed_36518180 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:54:22.535+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ_FJXn02FJXK6Tk57_both_legs'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['both legs'] | True | AYYJ_FJXn02FJXK6Tk57 | 2023-01-31T22:39:36.524+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:36.524+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:54:22.446+0000 | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp |
| 10 | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | pubmed_36518932 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:54:26.649+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ_E9Sn02FJXK6Tk54_femoral_head'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['femoral head'] | True | AYYJ_E9Sn02FJXK6Tk54 | 2023-01-31T22:39:35.761+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:35.761+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:54:26.472+0000 | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp |
| 11 | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | pmc_9675136 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:54:31.237+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ_EI9n02FJXK6Tk5t_femoral_head'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['femoral head'] | True | AYYJ_EI9n02FJXK6Tk5t | 2023-01-31T22:39:32.411+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:32.411+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:54:31.156+0000 | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp |
| 12 | 05db6aaf-d97e-4d49-97f9-20ef2e166ff6 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | What is the disease or indication being studied? | pubmed_36259635 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:53:17.070+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ_Cmpn02FJXK6Tk5K_delayed_acetabular_fracture'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['delayed acetabular fracture'] | True | AYYJ_Cmpn02FJXK6Tk5K | 2023-01-31T22:39:26.116+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:26.116+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:53:16.847+0000 | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp |
| 13 | 05db6aaf-d97e-4d49-97f9-20ef2e166ff6 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | What is the disease or indication being studied? | pubmed_36455995 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:53:08.649+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ_AI8n02FJXK6Tk4e_autoimmune_and_inflammatory_disorders'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['autoimmune and inflammatory disorders'] | True | AYYJ_AI8n02FJXK6Tk4e | 2023-01-31T22:39:16.026+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:16.026+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:53:08.399+0000 | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp |
| 14 | 05db6aaf-d97e-4d49-97f9-20ef2e166ff6 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | What is the disease or indication being studied? | pubmed_36518932 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:53:12.289+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYYJ--U7n02FJXK6Tk3__ONFH'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ['ONFH'] | True | AYYJ--U7n02FJXK6Tk3_ | 2023-01-31T22:39:08.600+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:08.600+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:53:12.183+0000 | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp |
| 15 | 05db6aaf-d97e-4d49-97f9-20ef2e166ff6 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | What is the disease or indication being studied? | pmc_9675136 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:53:51.327+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'SELECT_FROM_TEXT', 'customString': 'end-stage hip diseases', 'customStringContext': {'documentId': 'pmc_9675136', 'provider': '', 'startOffset': 500, 'endOffset': 522}}, {'curationType': 'SELECT_FROM_TEXT', 'customString': 'femoral head necrosis', 'customStringContext': {'documentId': 'pmc_9675136', 'provider': '', 'startOffset': 500, 'endOffset': 521}}, {'curationType': 'SELECT_FROM_TEXT', 'customString': 'osteoarthritis', 'customStringContext': {'documentId': 'pmc_9675136', 'provider': '', 'startOffset': 500, 'endOffset': 514}}, {'curationType': 'SELECT_FROM_TEXT', 'customString': 'femoral neck fracture', 'customStringContext': {'documentId': 'pmc_9675136', 'provider': '', 'startOffset': 500, 'endOffset': 521}}]}] | 1 | 4 | 4 | 0 | ['end-stage hip diseases', 'femoral head necrosis', 'osteoarthritis', 'femoral neck fracture'] | True | AYYJ-9Rxn02FJXK6Tk3z | 2023-01-31T22:39:04.304+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:04.304+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:53:51.219+0000 | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp |
Retrieve Curator's Answers
You can also zoom into the 'userCurations' portion to look at the specific curations completed for each document:question. You can learn what type of curation was done (accepted model answer, select from text, etc.), where there answer was located in the text, what the probability of an answer chosen by the curator was, and more.
response ="{envUrl}/layar/question/search", # note the set ID
data = json.dumps({
"batchGroupingKeys": ["AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W"],
"hasUserCurations": ["TRUE"],
"rows" : 100,
"start" : 0}), # Set to TRUE to include both custom answers (Select from Text, Additional Answers, No Answer Applicable) *as well as* when curators have accepted a model prediction
headers = {
'authorization':f"Bearer {token}",
'X-Vyasa-Client': 'curate',
'X-Vyasa-Data-Fabric' : 'YOUR_FABRIC_ID'
data = response.json()
# Flatten data into readable dataframe
df0 = pd.json_normalize(data) # Entire Question objects for all questions that meet the QuestionSearchCommand criteria above
df = pd.json_normalize(data, record_path =['userCurations']) # userCurations dict, specifically for those questions
df = pd.json_normalize(df['curations']) # Curations to be cleaned up into dataframe
df = df[0].apply(pd.Series) # Create a new, Curation-specific dataframe
df = df.rename(columns={
"curationType": "Curation Type",
"customString": "Curator's Answer",
"customStringContext.documentId": "Custom Answer Document ID", # Only relevant for Select from Text answers, can be removed
"customStringContext.provider": "Custom Answer Data Source", # Only relevant for Select from Text answers, can be removed
"customStringContext.startOffset": "Select from Text Start Offset", # Only relevant for Select from Text answers, can be removed
"customStringContext.endOffset" : "Select from Text End Offset", # Only relevant for Select from Text answers, can be removed
"answerId" : "Model Prediction ID"}) # Accepted Model Prediction ID, will be needed later
df.insert(0, 'Document ID', df0['singleDocQuestionDocumentId'])
df.insert(1, 'Job ID', df0['jobId'])
curations = df
# Add a little sort based on document ID and reset the index
curations = curations.sort_values(by=['Document ID']).reset_index().drop(['index'], axis=1)
Example dataframe output:
| | Document ID | Job ID | Curation Type | Model Prediction ID | Curator's Answer | Custom Answer Document ID | Custom Answer Data Source | Select from Text Start Offset | Select from Text End Offset |
| 0 | pmc_9675136 | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ_EI9n02FJXK6Tk5t_femoral_head | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 1 | pmc_9675136 | 05db6aaf-d97e-4d49-97f9-20ef2e166ff6 | SELECT_FROM_TEXT | nan | end-stage hip diseases | pmc_9675136 | | 500 | 522 |
| 2 | pubmed_36259635 | 3ce7e538-69e2-4eba-a88a-d7d3aa5fb09d | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-S_heme | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 3 | pubmed_36259635 | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ_H2zn02FJXK6Tk68_femoral_head | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 4 | pubmed_36259635 | 05db6aaf-d97e-4d49-97f9-20ef2e166ff6 | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ_Cmpn02FJXK6Tk5K_delayed_acetabular_fracture | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 5 | pubmed_36455995 | 3ce7e538-69e2-4eba-a88a-d7d3aa5fb09d | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9t_heme | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 6 | pubmed_36455995 | 453f834e-7d59-4140-9728-0d13e8ea7db5 | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk78_not_cancer | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 7 | pubmed_36455995 | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ_GBOn02FJXK6Tk6O_jaw | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 8 | pubmed_36455995 | 05db6aaf-d97e-4d49-97f9-20ef2e166ff6 | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ_AI8n02FJXK6Tk4e_autoimmune_and_inflammatory_disorders | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 9 | pubmed_36464628 | 3ce7e538-69e2-4eba-a88a-d7d3aa5fb09d | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9p_heme | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 10 | pubmed_36464628 | 453f834e-7d59-4140-9728-0d13e8ea7db5 | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk74_not_cancer | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 11 | pubmed_36464628 | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | CUSTOM | nan | test custom curation | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 12 | pubmed_36518180 | 453f834e-7d59-4140-9728-0d13e8ea7db5 | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk7p_cancer | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 13 | pubmed_36518180 | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ_FJXn02FJXK6Tk57_both_legs | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 14 | pubmed_36518932 | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ_E9Sn02FJXK6Tk54_femoral_head | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 15 | pubmed_36518932 | 05db6aaf-d97e-4d49-97f9-20ef2e166ff6 | ACCEPTED_EXISTING | AYYJ--U7n02FJXK6Tk3__ONFH | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Updated 3 months ago
Learn how to apply a series of additional analytics to your results from Curate! Group answers to identify common results in your set, and map your results to uploaded Layar ontologies.