JUMP TOLayar API DocumentationIntroduction to the APIAuthenticationEndpoint OverviewAvailable API Classesadministrationtemporarily (15m) enable DEBUG level loggingpostgenerate an encrypted diagnostics filegetjobGet job detailsgetgptCall Certara LLM to retrieve all the models availablegetCall Certara LLM to retrieve all the embedding models (embedders) availablegetCall Certara LLM to generate a system message and return the corresponding sources usedpostAsynchronously generate a system message and return the request ID for polling the resultpostCheck the status of an asynchronous generate requestgetCall Certara LLM to generate a system message and return the corresponding sources usedpostAsynchronously process pipeline using GPT and return the request ID for polling the resultpostCheck the status of an asynchronous pipeline processing requestgetCall cortex to retrieve a list of LLM templates associated with a jobNamegetPost a json object defining new/updated LLM templates. Cortex will validate templates before saving them into ES.postCall Certara LLM to only generate embeddings for textpostData FabricsconnectorSearch for Twitter connectorsgetDelete a Twitter connectordeleteGet Twitter connector detailsgetUpdate Twitter connector detailsputUpdate a specific attributepatchDelete multiple Twitter connectorsdeleteliveSourceSearch for connectorsgetCreate a new connectorpostDelete a connectordeleteGet connector detailsgetUpdate connector detailsputUpdate a job with a new actionputGet percent completed for a live indexing jobgetGet job status detailsgetChange job status scheduleputGet the documents from a given connectorgetCreate new RSS connectors from a spreadsheet of URLspostDelete multiple connectorsdeletesavedListSearch for setsgetCreate a new setpostDelete a setdeleteGet set detailsgetUpdate set detailsputAdd items to a setputAdd items to a setputDownload set contents to a CSVgetRemove items from a Layar setdeleteDelete multiple setsdeleteLayar SearchautocompleteGet search history for all domain objectsgetGet search historygetDelete a search requestdeleteparagraphSearch for paragraphsgetGet paragraph detailsgetSearch for paragraphspostParse text into part-of-speech componentspostsourceDocumentCreate a source documentpostGet document counts by field typepostDelete a documentdeleteGet source document detailsgetUpdate document detailsputAdd an annotation to a documentpostAdd a list of annotations to a documentpostAdd a column to a table documentputUpdate annotation detailsputDelete annotations by annotation IDdeleteGet concept counts by document IDgetCreate an embeddingpostCreate an ontology from a tablepostDownload document by IDgetExtract tables from a documentpostExtract table from a specific pagepostGet a document preview for a specific pagegetGet a document previewgetRender a PDF of a documentgetGet a count of all statements in a documentgetGet statement counts by document IDgetGet the import status for a documentgetGet a list of all viewers of the source documentgetAuthorize a viewer for the source documentpostGet document counts for suggested concept type by computation idgetGet document counts by typegetDelete multiple documentsdeleteGet document counts over timegetDownload document annotations to a CSVgetSearch for documentspostCalculate table similaritypostCreate a text clustering job.poststatementCreate a new statementpostGet statement counts for a table columnpostReturn distinct values in columnspostGet statement detailsgetDelete a statementdeleteUpdate statement detailsputTag named entities within specific columns of a tablepostDelete multiple statementsdeleteGet existing relationships between two given conceptsgetSearch for statementspostQuestion Answeringanswer/layar/answergetGet answer detailsgetUpdate answer detailsputSearch for answerspostquestionCreate a new questionpostGet curation details by field typepostDelete a questiondeleteGet question detailsgetUpdate a saved questionputUpdate specific details for a questionpatchFind more answers to a questionpostSearch for answers in new documentspostSearch for questionspostAsk a new questionpostEnable query expansionpostDelete multiple questionsdeleteSearch for question batchespostSubmit a bulk QA job requestpostCancel a bulk QA job requestputNamed Entity RecognitionconceptCreate a new conceptpostDelete a conceptdeleteGet concept detailsgetUpdate all details for a conceptputUpdate specific details for a conceptpatchDemote a relationship with another conceptputSet as primary synonymputFind related conceptsgetRemove as synonymdeleteGet statement counts over timegetCreate a new term for a conceptpostDelete multiple conceptsdeleteSearch for concepts by external IDgetSet as synonymsputSearch for conceptspostconceptTypeGet concept type countsgetGet concept relationship detailsgetSearch for concept typesgetCreate a new concept typepostDelete a concept typedeleteGet concept type detailsgetUpdate concept type detailsputDelete multiple concept typesdeletenamedEntityTag named entitiespostRetrieve a list of available named entity typesgetOntologiesontologyontologyTermCreate a new ontology termpostSearch for ontology termsgetDelete an ontology termdeleteGet ontology term detailsgetUpdate ontology term detailsputSearch for ontology termspostReconcile input terms against terms in an ontologypostLayar Relationsgroupgroup similar terms (eg, 'Vyasa Analytics' and 'Vyasa Analytics, LLC')postradarGet Radar resultsgetFind semantically similar terms for a conceptgetFind semantically similar terms for a stringgetGet nearest neighbor countsgetvectorSimilarityCreate a new vector embeddingpostFind similar embeddings by query stringgetGet vector detailsgetFind similar statements by statement IDgetCompound AnalyticscompoundRender SMILES into an SVGgetsmilesSearch similar compounds with a list of smilespostMLOpsmodelDownload a model by IDgetFind models by module IDgetFind models by project IDgetFind models by project computation IDgetmoduleSearch for modulesgetCreate a new modulepostGet module detailsgetprojectSearch for projectsgetCreate a new projectpostDelete a projectdeleteGet project detailsgetUpdate project detailsputAdd items to a projectputRemove items from a projectputGet project results detailsgetDownload project results as zip filegetDownload project results as SOMgetRun a new projectpostDelete multiple projectsdeleteprojectComputationGet project computation detailsgetCancel a project computation job (hard stop)postDownload computation job document based on id and urlgetDownload all computation job logsgetDownload computation job documents as zip filegetRetrieve logs for computation jobgetStop a computation job (soft stop)postDevOpseventSearch for eventsgetGet event detailsgetstatusGet app availability statusgetPowered by Create a source documentpost https://BASE_PATH/layar/sourceDocumentRecipes📘Add Source Document to LayarOpen Recipe📘Add Document to Document SetOpen Recipe