Retrieving Model Predictions
Below is an example of pulling model predictions for a single document. In order to retrieve the answers, you need to gather all of the questions asked for that document (via the Question API), and then retrieve the answers for each question (via the Answers API). See next block for pulling from a full set (which iterates over each document using this call).
Example 1. Retrieve the answers for a specific question (or classification), for one document in the set
# Retrieve answers for each question in a single document via Answer API (REST)
response ="{envUrl}/layar/answer/search",
data = json.dumps({
"questionIds": ["AYXwh8qiEs8gbQkuEVap"],
"withConcepts": "False",
"rows": 200}),
headers = {
'authorization':f"Bearer {token}",
'X-Vyasa-Client': 'layar'
# Uncomment if Using Dataframe for Visualization
temp = response.json()
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(temp)
#df = df.drop(['evidence'], axis=1) #Uncomment if you'd like to view the Evidence
[{'questionId': 'AYXwh8qiEs8gbQkuEVap',
'text': 'delayed acetabular fracture',
'evidence': [{'context': "OBJECTIVE: There has been a controversy in the surgical approach for delayed acetabular fracture. The objective of the present study is to investigate the feasibility, surgical techniques, safety, and efficacy of periacetabular osteotomy using the single lateral-rectus approach (LRA) for the surgical treatment of delayed acetabular fracture. METHODS: The retrospective study included 22 patients (16 males and six females, with an average age of 45\u2009years) with delayed acetabular fractures from June 2012 to June 2019. For all cases, periacetabular osteotomy was performed through the single LRA. Fracture classification, mechanism of injury, associated injury, time to surgery, operation time, intraoperative blood loss, and complications were recorded and analyzed. The quality of the reduction was assessed based on Matta radiographic criteria. Potential impact factors affecting the quality of reduction were analyzed. Functional outcome was evaluated at the final follow-up according to a modified Mere D'Aubigne-Postel scoring system for each patient.",
'documentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'paragraphId': 'AYUbonz-BVkP6pstR4fd',
'provider': '',
'documentURI': '',
'name': 'Treatment of Delayed Acetabular Fractures by Periacetabular Osteotomy through the Lateral-Rectus Approach.',
'probability': 0.8009590308350711,
'passageRankingScore': -5.843361854553223,
'answerRankingScore': 3.547983169555664,
'startOffset': 44,
'endOffset': 46,
'namedEntities': [{'pos': [[1013, 1026]],
'concept': 'ubigne-Postel',
'typeId': 'PER'}]}],
'rejected': False,
'questionQueryString': 'What is the disease or indication being studied?',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1',
'questionKey': 'What is the disease or indication being studied?',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'id': 'AYXwh8qiEs8gbQkuEVap_delayed_acetabular_fracture',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-27T00:01:50.292+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036}]
Within the 'evidence' portion of the JSON there are additional answer details, including the probability and "context" that surrounds an answer.
| | questionId | text | rejected | questionQueryString | batchGroupingKey | questionKey | singleDocQuestionDocumentId | id | dateIndexed | createdByUser |
| 0 | AYXwh8qiEs8gbQkuEVap | delayed acetabular fracture | False | What is the disease or indication being studied? | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | pubmed_36259635 | AYXwh8qiEs8gbQkuEVap_delayed_acetabular_fracture | 2023-01-27T00:01:50.292+0000 | 25036 |
Example 2. Retrieve the answers for all questions asked for a single document in the set
Retrieve all Question IDs for Set
First, you must retrieve all of the questions asked on that document, within this set. Store the 'id's for later, which are the questionIds to be fed into the next API call.
# Retrieve all questions asked for a given document in the set via Question API (REST)
response ="{envUrl}/layar/question/search",
data = json.dumps({
headers = {
'authorization':f"Bearer {token}",
'X-Vyasa-Client': 'layar'
temp = response.json()
questions = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(temp)
[{'queryString': 'What is the disease or indication being studied?',
'jobId': '179d931a-acff-4756-8938-dbe407585490',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1',
'questionKey': 'What is the disease or indication being studied?',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'dataProviders': ',,',
'truncateTextToLength': 20000,
'searchCommandJsonString': '{"documentIds":["pubmed_36259635"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"}',
'minimumRequestedAnswers': 5,
'pageIterationCount': 0,
'advancedParams': {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0},
'complete': True,
'assignedUserIds': [25036],
'moderatorUserIds': [],
'assignedUserCount': 1,
'curationDiscord': False,
'moderated': False,
'userCurations': [{'createdByUser': 25036,
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-27T00:14:32.436+0000',
'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING',
'answerId': 'AYXwh8qiEs8gbQkuEVap_delayed_acetabular_fracture'}]}],
'curatedAnswerUserCount': 1,
'curatedAnswerTotalCount': 1,
'curatedAnswerUniqueCount': 1,
'curationPercentComplete': 1.0,
'deepLearningModelId': 'AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp',
'bestAnswers': ['delayed acetabular fracture'],
'hasAnswers': True,
'id': 'AYXwh8qiEs8gbQkuEVap',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-27T00:01:49.214+0000',
'datePublished': '2023-01-27T00:01:49.214+0000',
'dateUpdated': '2023-01-27T00:18:54.336+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036},
{'queryString': 'Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body?',
'jobId': '416c2ab9-4f0d-4fce-85cb-7f3c8a839f25',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1',
'questionKey': 'Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body?',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'dataProviders': ',,',
'truncateTextToLength': 20000,
'searchCommandJsonString': '{"documentIds":["pubmed_36259635"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"}',
'minimumRequestedAnswers': 5,
'pageIterationCount': 0,
'advancedParams': {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0},
'complete': True,
'assignedUserIds': [25036, 25048],
'moderatorUserIds': [25036],
'assignedUserCount': 2,
'curationDiscord': False,
'moderated': True,
'userCurations': [{'createdByUser': 25036,
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-27T00:15:38.362+0000',
'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING',
'answerId': 'AYXwh1ssEs8gbQkuEVYx_femoral_head'}]}],
'curatedAnswerUserCount': 1,
'curatedAnswerTotalCount': 1,
'curatedAnswerUniqueCount': 1,
'curationPercentComplete': 0.5,
'deepLearningModelId': 'AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp',
'bestAnswers': ['femoral head'],
'hasAnswers': True,
'id': 'AYXwh1ssEs8gbQkuEVYx',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-27T00:01:20.683+0000',
'datePublished': '2023-01-27T00:01:20.683+0000',
'dateUpdated': '2023-01-27T00:19:24.601+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036},
{'queryString': 'Categorize pubmed_36259635 from',
'jobId': '28748ef3-1c3e-417b-99dc-a46443b588cc',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1',
'questionKey': 'Cancer - Binary Text Classification',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'typeOfSearch': 'PARAGRAPH',
'dataProviders': '',
'minimumRequestedAnswers': 5,
'pageIterationCount': 0,
'complete': True,
'assignedUserIds': [],
'moderatorUserIds': [],
'assignedUserCount': 0,
'curationDiscord': False,
'moderated': False,
'userCurations': [],
'curatedAnswerUserCount': 0,
'curatedAnswerTotalCount': 0,
'curatedAnswerUniqueCount': 0,
'bestAnswers': ['not_cancer'],
'hasAnswers': True,
'id': 'AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVW3',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-26T23:58:44.223+0000',
'datePublished': '2023-01-26T23:58:44.223+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036},
{'queryString': 'Categorize pubmed_36259635 from',
'jobId': '5ad1f4d2-e987-4935-9886-329b89a4f137',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1',
'questionKey': 'Heme - Binary Text Classification',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'typeOfSearch': 'PARAGRAPH',
'dataProviders': '',
'minimumRequestedAnswers': 5,
'pageIterationCount': 0,
'complete': True,
'assignedUserIds': [],
'moderatorUserIds': [],
'assignedUserCount': 0,
'curationDiscord': False,
'moderated': False,
'userCurations': [],
'curatedAnswerUserCount': 0,
'curatedAnswerTotalCount': 0,
'curatedAnswerUniqueCount': 0,
'bestAnswers': ['heme'],
'hasAnswers': True,
'id': 'AYXwhGslEs8gbQkuEVVV',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-26T23:58:08.151+0000',
'datePublished': '2023-01-26T23:58:08.151+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036}]
Example dataframe:
| | queryString | jobId | batchGroupingKey | questionKey | singleDocQuestionDocumentId | typeOfSearch | dataProviders | minimumRequestedAnswers | pageIterationCount | complete | assignedUserIds | moderatorUserIds | assignedUserCount | curationDiscord | moderated | userCurations | curatedAnswerUserCount | curatedAnswerTotalCount | curatedAnswerUniqueCount | bestAnswers | hasAnswers | id | dateIndexed | datePublished | createdByUser | truncateTextToLength | searchCommandJsonString | advancedParams | curationPercentComplete | deepLearningModelId | dateUpdated |
| 0 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | 179d931a-acff-4756-8938-dbe407585490 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | pubmed_36259635 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | 5 | 0 | True | [25036] | [] | 1 | False | False | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-27T00:14:32.436+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYXwh8qiEs8gbQkuEVap_delayed_acetabular_fracture'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | ['delayed acetabular fracture'] | True | AYXwh8qiEs8gbQkuEVap | 2023-01-27T00:01:49.214+0000 | 2023-01-27T00:01:49.214+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["pubmed_36259635"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | 1 | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-27T00:18:54.336+0000 |
| 1 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | 416c2ab9-4f0d-4fce-85cb-7f3c8a839f25 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | pubmed_36259635 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | 5 | 0 | True | [25036, 25048] | [25036] | 2 | False | True | [{'createdByUser': 25036, 'dateIndexed': '2023-01-27T00:15:38.362+0000', 'curations': [{'curationType': 'ACCEPTED_EXISTING', 'answerId': 'AYXwh1ssEs8gbQkuEVYx_femoral_head'}]}] | 1 | 1 | 1 | ['femoral head'] | True | AYXwh1ssEs8gbQkuEVYx | 2023-01-27T00:01:20.683+0000 | 2023-01-27T00:01:20.683+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["pubmed_36259635"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | 0.5 | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-27T00:19:24.601+0000 |
| 2 | Categorize pubmed_36259635 from | 28748ef3-1c3e-417b-99dc-a46443b588cc | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36259635 | PARAGRAPH | | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['not_cancer'] | True | AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVW3 | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.223+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.223+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 3 | Categorize pubmed_36259635 from | 5ad1f4d2-e987-4935-9886-329b89a4f137 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36259635 | PARAGRAPH | | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['heme'] | True | AYXwhGslEs8gbQkuEVVV | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.151+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.151+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Retrieve All Answers for Question IDs
Next, you will retrieve all of the answers for each question in that document, based on their questionIds.
# Retrieve answers for each question in a single document via Answer API (REST)
response ="{envUrl}/layar/answer/search",
data = json.dumps({
"withConcepts": "False",
"rows": 200}),
headers = {
'authorization':f"Bearer {token}",
'X-Vyasa-Client': 'layar'
temp = response.json()
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(temp)
[{'questionId': 'AYXwh8qiEs8gbQkuEVap',
'text': 'delayed acetabular fracture',
'evidence': [{'context': "OBJECTIVE: There has been a controversy in the surgical approach for delayed acetabular fracture. The objective of the present study is to investigate the feasibility, surgical techniques, safety, and efficacy of periacetabular osteotomy using the single lateral-rectus approach (LRA) for the surgical treatment of delayed acetabular fracture. METHODS: The retrospective study included 22 patients (16 males and six females, with an average age of 45\u2009years) with delayed acetabular fractures from June 2012 to June 2019. For all cases, periacetabular osteotomy was performed through the single LRA. Fracture classification, mechanism of injury, associated injury, time to surgery, operation time, intraoperative blood loss, and complications were recorded and analyzed. The quality of the reduction was assessed based on Matta radiographic criteria. Potential impact factors affecting the quality of reduction were analyzed. Functional outcome was evaluated at the final follow-up according to a modified Mere D'Aubigne-Postel scoring system for each patient.",
'documentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'paragraphId': 'AYUbonz-BVkP6pstR4fd',
'provider': '',
'documentURI': '',
'name': 'Treatment of Delayed Acetabular Fractures by Periacetabular Osteotomy through the Lateral-Rectus Approach.',
'probability': 0.8009590308350711,
'passageRankingScore': -5.843361854553223,
'answerRankingScore': 3.547983169555664,
'startOffset': 44,
'endOffset': 46,
'namedEntities': [{'pos': [[1013, 1026]],
'concept': 'ubigne-Postel',
'typeId': 'PER'}]}],
'rejected': False,
'questionQueryString': 'What is the disease or indication being studied?',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1',
'questionKey': 'What is the disease or indication being studied?',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'id': 'AYXwh8qiEs8gbQkuEVap_delayed_acetabular_fracture',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-27T00:01:50.292+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036},
{'questionId': 'AYXwh1ssEs8gbQkuEVYx',
'text': 'femoral head',
'evidence': [{'context': 'RESULTS: All patients were followed up for at least 12\xa0months. The duration of surgery was 140\u2009min on average (110-205\u2009min) and the mean intraoperative blood loss was 1250\u2009ml (500-2100\u2009ml). According to Matta radiographic criteria, the accuracy of reduction was "anatomical" in seven patients, "imperfect" in 11 patients, and "poor" in four patients, with an excellent and good rate of 81.8%. The time to surgery in poor reduction group was significantly longer than anatomical or imperfect reduction group (p < 0.05). All the acetabular fractures united after 8-12\u2009weeks. The average modified Merle D\'Aubigne-Postel score evaluated at the final follow-up was 14.6 (6-18), and the clinical outcomes were rated as excellent in six patients, good in 10 patients, fair in four patients, and poor in two patients, with an excellent and good rate of 72.7%. There were two cases of osteonecrosis of the femoral head (9%). No other complication was found for all cases. CONCLUSION: The LRA is an effective and minimally invasive approach in the treatment of delayed acetabular fractures excluding posterior wall fracture and posterior dislocation.',
'documentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'paragraphId': 'AYUbonz-BVkP6pstR4fe',
'provider': '',
'documentURI': '',
'name': 'Treatment of Delayed Acetabular Fractures by Periacetabular Osteotomy through the Lateral-Rectus Approach.',
'probability': 0.959623459515048,
'passageRankingScore': -5.880650997161865,
'answerRankingScore': 12.274682521820068,
'startOffset': 146,
'endOffset': 147,
'namedEntities': [{'pos': [[876, 889]],
'concept': 'osteonecrosis',
'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[597, 616]],
'concept': "le D'Aubigne-Postel",
'typeId': 'PER'}]}],
'rejected': False,
'questionQueryString': 'Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body?',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1',
'questionKey': 'Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body?',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'id': 'AYXwh1ssEs8gbQkuEVYx_femoral_head',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-27T00:01:22.566+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036},
{'questionId': 'AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVW3',
'text': 'not_cancer',
'evidence': [{'documentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'provider': '',
'name': 'not_cancer',
'probability': 1.0}],
'rejected': False,
'questionQueryString': 'Categorize pubmed_36259635 from',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1',
'questionKey': 'Cancer - Binary Text Classification',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'id': 'AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVW3_not_cancer',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-26T23:58:44.223+0000',
'datePublished': '2023-01-26T23:58:44.223+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036},
{'questionId': 'AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVW3',
'text': 'cancer',
'evidence': [{'documentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'provider': '',
'name': 'cancer',
'probability': 0.0}],
'rejected': False,
'questionQueryString': 'Categorize pubmed_36259635 from',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1',
'questionKey': 'Cancer - Binary Text Classification',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'id': 'AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVW3_cancer',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-26T23:58:44.223+0000',
'datePublished': '2023-01-26T23:58:44.223+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036},
{'questionId': 'AYXwhGslEs8gbQkuEVVV',
'text': 'heme',
'evidence': [{'documentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'provider': '',
'name': 'heme',
'probability': 0.9452}],
'rejected': False,
'questionQueryString': 'Categorize pubmed_36259635 from',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1',
'questionKey': 'Heme - Binary Text Classification',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'id': 'AYXwhGslEs8gbQkuEVVV_heme',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-26T23:58:08.151+0000',
'datePublished': '2023-01-26T23:58:08.151+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036},
{'questionId': 'AYXwhGslEs8gbQkuEVVV',
'text': 'not_heme',
'evidence': [{'documentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'provider': '',
'name': 'not_heme',
'probability': 0.0548}],
'rejected': False,
'questionQueryString': 'Categorize pubmed_36259635 from',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1',
'questionKey': 'Heme - Binary Text Classification',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'pubmed_36259635',
'id': 'AYXwhGslEs8gbQkuEVVV_not_heme',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-26T23:58:08.151+0000',
'datePublished': '2023-01-26T23:58:08.151+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036}]
| | questionId | text | evidence | rejected | questionQueryString | batchGroupingKey | questionKey | singleDocQuestionDocumentId | id | dateIndexed | datePublished | createdByUser |
| 0 | AYXwh8qiEs8gbQkuEVap | delayed acetabular fracture | [{'context': "OBJECTIVE: There has been a controversy in the surgical approach for delayed acetabular fracture. The objective of the present study is to investigate the feasibility, surgical techniques, safety, and efficacy of periacetabular osteotomy using the single lateral-rectus approach (LRA) for the surgical treatment of delayed acetabular fracture. METHODS: The retrospective study included 22 patients (16 males and six females, with an average age of 45\u2009years) with delayed acetabular fractures from June 2012 to June 2019. For all cases, periacetabular osteotomy was performed through the single LRA. Fracture classification, mechanism of injury, associated injury, time to surgery, operation time, intraoperative blood loss, and complications were recorded and analyzed. The quality of the reduction was assessed based on Matta radiographic criteria. Potential impact factors affecting the quality of reduction were analyzed. Functional outcome was evaluated at the final follow-up according to a modified Mere D'Aubigne-Postel scoring system for each patient.", 'documentId': 'pubmed_36259635', 'paragraphId': 'AYUbonz-BVkP6pstR4fd', 'provider': '', 'documentURI': '', 'name': 'Treatment of Delayed Acetabular Fractures by Periacetabular Osteotomy through the Lateral-Rectus Approach.', 'probability': 0.8009590308350711, 'passageRankingScore': -5.843361854553223, 'answerRankingScore': 3.547983169555664, 'startOffset': 44, 'endOffset': 46, 'namedEntities': [{'pos': [[1013, 1026]], 'concept': 'ubigne-Postel', 'typeId': 'PER'}]}] | False | What is the disease or indication being studied? | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | pubmed_36259635 | AYXwh8qiEs8gbQkuEVap_delayed_acetabular_fracture | 2023-01-27T00:01:50.292+0000 | nan | 25036 |
| 1 | AYXwh1ssEs8gbQkuEVYx | femoral head | [{'context': 'RESULTS: All patients were followed up for at least 12\xa0months. The duration of surgery was 140\u2009min on average (110-205\u2009min) and the mean intraoperative blood loss was 1250\u2009ml (500-2100\u2009ml). According to Matta radiographic criteria, the accuracy of reduction was "anatomical" in seven patients, "imperfect" in 11 patients, and "poor" in four patients, with an excellent and good rate of 81.8%. The time to surgery in poor reduction group was significantly longer than anatomical or imperfect reduction group (p < 0.05). All the acetabular fractures united after 8-12\u2009weeks. The average modified Merle D\'Aubigne-Postel score evaluated at the final follow-up was 14.6 (6-18), and the clinical outcomes were rated as excellent in six patients, good in 10 patients, fair in four patients, and poor in two patients, with an excellent and good rate of 72.7%. There were two cases of osteonecrosis of the femoral head (9%). No other complication was found for all cases. CONCLUSION: The LRA is an effective and minimally invasive approach in the treatment of delayed acetabular fractures excluding posterior wall fracture and posterior dislocation.', 'documentId': 'pubmed_36259635', 'paragraphId': 'AYUbonz-BVkP6pstR4fe', 'provider': '', 'documentURI': '', 'name': 'Treatment of Delayed Acetabular Fractures by Periacetabular Osteotomy through the Lateral-Rectus Approach.', 'probability': 0.959623459515048, 'passageRankingScore': -5.880650997161865, 'answerRankingScore': 12.274682521820068, 'startOffset': 146, 'endOffset': 147, 'namedEntities': [{'pos': [[876, 889]], 'concept': 'osteonecrosis', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'}, {'pos': [[597, 616]], 'concept': "le D'Aubigne-Postel", 'typeId': 'PER'}]}] | False | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | pubmed_36259635 | AYXwh1ssEs8gbQkuEVYx_femoral_head | 2023-01-27T00:01:22.566+0000 | nan | 25036 |
| 2 | AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVW3 | not_cancer | [{'documentId': 'pubmed_36259635', 'provider': '', 'name': 'not_cancer', 'probability': 1.0}] | False | Categorize pubmed_36259635 from | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36259635 | AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVW3_not_cancer | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.223+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.223+0000 | 25036 |
| 3 | AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVW3 | cancer | [{'documentId': 'pubmed_36259635', 'provider': '', 'name': 'cancer', 'probability': 0.0}] | False | Categorize pubmed_36259635 from | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36259635 | AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVW3_cancer | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.223+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.223+0000 | 25036 |
| 4 | AYXwhGslEs8gbQkuEVVV | heme | [{'documentId': 'pubmed_36259635', 'provider': '', 'name': 'heme', 'probability': 0.9452}] | False | Categorize pubmed_36259635 from | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36259635 | AYXwhGslEs8gbQkuEVVV_heme | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.151+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.151+0000 | 25036 |
| 5 | AYXwhGslEs8gbQkuEVVV | not_heme | [{'documentId': 'pubmed_36259635', 'provider': '', 'name': 'not_heme', 'probability': 0.0548}] | False | Categorize pubmed_36259635 from | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36259635 | AYXwhGslEs8gbQkuEVVV_not_heme | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.151+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.151+0000 | 25036 |
Example 3. Retrieve the answers for all questions asked in all documents in the set.
Retrieve all Document IDs
First, you must retrieve all of the documents within this set. Store the 'id's for later, which are the documentIds to be fed into the next API call.
response ="{envUrl}/layar/sourceDocument/search",
data = json.dumps({
"savedListIds": ["AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1"]}),
headers = {
'authorization':f"Bearer {token}",
'X-Vyasa-Data-Providers': ',,',
'X-Vyasa-Client': 'layar'
temp = response.json()
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(temp)
documentIds = df['id'].tolist()
// This is only an example of one document, you should expect to see all documents in your own response
[{'thumbnailAvailable': False,
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'ProtocolSection': {'IPDSharingStatementModule': {'IPDSharing': 'No'},
'SponsorCollaboratorsModule': {'LeadSponsor': {'LeadSponsorClass': 'INDUSTRY',
'LeadSponsorName': 'Levicept'},
'CollaboratorList': {'Collaborator': [{'CollaboratorClass': 'UNKNOWN',
'CollaboratorName': 'Nordic Bioscience Clinical Development (NBCD)'}]},
'ResponsibleParty': {'ResponsiblePartyType': 'Sponsor'}},
'ArmsInterventionsModule': {'ArmGroupList': {'ArmGroup': [{'ArmGroupDescription': 'LEVI- 04 is a proprietary p75 neurotrophin receptor fusion protein (p75NTR-Fc).It modulates the nerve growth factor (NGF) pathway, clinically proven to provide effective analgesia.',
'ArmGroupType': 'Active Comparator',
'ArmGroupInterventionList': {'ArmGroupInterventionName': ['Drug: LEVI-04']},
'ArmGroupLabel': '0.3 mg/kg dose intravenous infusion of LEVI-04'},
{'ArmGroupDescription': 'LEVI- 04 is a proprietary p75 neurotrophin receptor fusion protein (p75NTR-Fc).It modulates the nerve growth factor (NGF) pathway, clinically proven to provide effective analgesia.',
'ArmGroupType': 'Active Comparator',
'ArmGroupInterventionList': {'ArmGroupInterventionName': ['Drug: LEVI-04']},
'ArmGroupLabel': '1.0 mg/kg dose intravenous infusion of LEVI-04'},
{'ArmGroupDescription': 'LEVI- 04 is a proprietary p75 neurotrophin receptor fusion protein (p75NTR-Fc).It modulates the nerve growth factor (NGF) pathway, clinically proven to provide effective analgesia.',
'ArmGroupType': 'Active Comparator',
'ArmGroupInterventionList': {'ArmGroupInterventionName': ['Drug: LEVI-04']},
'ArmGroupLabel': '2.0 mg/kg dose intravenous infusion of LEVI-04'},
{'ArmGroupType': 'Placebo Comparator',
'ArmGroupInterventionList': {'ArmGroupInterventionName': ['Other: Placebo:']},
'ArmGroupLabel': 'Placebo dose intravenous infusion'}]},
'InterventionList': {'Intervention': [{'InterventionName': 'LEVI-04',
'InterventionArmGroupLabelList': {'InterventionArmGroupLabel': ['0.3 mg/kg dose intravenous infusion of LEVI-04',
'1.0 mg/kg dose intravenous infusion of LEVI-04',
'2.0 mg/kg dose intravenous infusion of LEVI-04']},
'InterventionDescription': 'Intravenous infusion',
'InterventionType': 'Drug'},
{'InterventionName': 'Placebo:',
'InterventionArmGroupLabelList': {'InterventionArmGroupLabel': ['Placebo dose intravenous infusion']},
'InterventionDescription': 'Placebo dose intravenous infusion',
'InterventionType': 'Other'}]}},
'ContactsLocationsModule': {'CentralContactList': {'CentralContact': [{'CentralContactEMail': '',
'CentralContactName': 'Iwona Bombelka',
'CentralContactPhone': '01304 799760',
'CentralContactRole': 'Contact'},
{'CentralContactEMail': '',
'CentralContactName': 'Claire Herholdt',
'CentralContactPhone': '01304 799760',
'CentralContactRole': 'Contact'}]},
'OverallOfficialList': {'OverallOfficial': [{'OverallOfficialRole': 'Study Director',
'OverallOfficialAffiliation': 'Levicept',
'OverallOfficialName': 'Simon Westbrook'}]},
'LocationList': {'Location': [{'LocationContactList': {'LocationContact': [{'LocationContactRole': 'Contact',
'LocationContactName': 'Petra Kopeckova'}]},
'LocationCountry': 'Czechia',
'LocationFacility': 'CCR Brno, s.r.o',
'LocationStatus': 'Not yet recruiting',
'LocationCity': 'Brno'},
{'LocationContactList': {'LocationContact': [{'LocationContactRole': 'Contact',
'LocationContactName': 'Lukas Rocnak'}]},
'LocationCountry': 'Czechia',
'LocationFacility': 'CCR Czech a.s',
'LocationStatus': 'Not yet recruiting',
'LocationCity': 'Pardubice'},
{'LocationContactList': {'LocationContact': [{'LocationContactRole': 'Contact',
'LocationContactName': 'Maryna Pesek'}]},
'LocationCountry': 'Czechia',
'LocationFacility': 'CCR Prague, s.r.o',
'LocationStatus': 'Not yet recruiting',
'LocationCity': 'Prague'},
{'LocationContactList': {'LocationContact': [{'LocationContactRole': 'Contact',
'LocationContactName': 'David Flye Jensen'}]},
'LocationCountry': 'Denmark',
'LocationFacility': 'Sanos Clinic Nordjylland',
'LocationStatus': 'Not yet recruiting',
'LocationCity': 'Gandrup'},
{'LocationContactList': {'LocationContact': [{'LocationContactRole': 'Contact',
'LocationContactName': 'Christina Kolstrup'}]},
'LocationCountry': 'Denmark',
'LocationFacility': 'Sanos Clinic Herlev',
'LocationStatus': 'Not yet recruiting',
'LocationCity': 'Herlev'},
{'LocationContactList': {'LocationContact': [{'LocationContactRole': 'Contact',
'LocationContactName': 'Anette Rasmussen'}]},
'LocationCountry': 'Denmark',
'LocationFacility': 'Sanos Clinic Syddanmark',
'LocationStatus': 'Not yet recruiting',
'LocationCity': 'Vejle'},
{'LocationContactList': {'LocationContact': [{'LocationContactRole': 'Contact',
'LocationContactName': 'Ella Chen'}]},
'LocationCountry': 'Hong Kong',
'LocationFacility': 'Hong Kong Center for Clinical Research',
'LocationStatus': 'Recruiting',
'LocationCity': 'Hong Kong'},
{'LocationContactList': {'LocationContact': [{'LocationContactRole': 'Contact',
'LocationContactName': 'Tatiana Rotaru'}]},
'LocationCountry': 'Moldova, Republic of',
'LocationFacility': 'PMSI Cardiology Institute/RTL SM SRL Consultative ward',
'LocationStatus': 'Not yet recruiting',
'LocationCity': 'Chisinau'},
{'LocationContactList': {'LocationContact': [{'LocationContactRole': 'Contact',
'LocationContactName': 'Dorian Sasu'}]},
'LocationCountry': 'Moldova, Republic of',
'LocationFacility': 'PMSI Clinical Republican Hospital "Timofei Mosneaga"',
'LocationStatus': 'Not yet recruiting',
'LocationCity': 'Chisinau'},
{'LocationContactList': {'LocationContact': [{'LocationContactRole': 'Contact',
'LocationContactName': 'Kamila Stankiewicz'}]},
'LocationCountry': 'Poland',
'LocationFacility': 'NZOZ Bif-Med. s.c.',
'LocationStatus': 'Not yet recruiting',
'LocationCity': 'Bytom'},
{'LocationContactList': {'LocationContact': [{'LocationContactRole': 'Contact',
'LocationContactName': 'Konrad Obst'}]},
'LocationCountry': 'Poland',
'LocationFacility': 'Medyczne Centrum Hetmańska',
'LocationStatus': 'Not yet recruiting',
'LocationCity': 'Poznań'},
{'LocationContactList': {'LocationContact': [{'LocationContactRole': 'Contact',
'LocationContactName': 'Adrianna Chrominka'}]},
'LocationCountry': 'Poland',
'LocationFacility': 'Somed CR',
'LocationStatus': 'Not yet recruiting',
'LocationCity': 'Warsaw'},
{'LocationContactList': {'LocationContact': [{'LocationContactRole': 'Contact',
'LocationContactName': 'Jakub Kierzkowski'}]},
'LocationCountry': 'Poland',
'LocationFacility': 'Somed CR',
'LocationStatus': 'Not yet recruiting',
'LocationCity': 'Łódź'}]}},
'DescriptionModule': {'BriefSummary': 'This is a phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of multiple doses and multiple administrations of LEVI-04 for the treatment of pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee.',
'DetailedDescription': 'The study consists of a Screening Period (including a Diary Run- In/analgesic wash-out Period), Randomization, Post-Randomization Period, and a Follow-up Period. Up to 624 participants will be enrolled and randomized to one of four Treatment Arms at the ratio 1:1:1:1\n\nThe overall objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of LEVI-04 compared to placebo in patients with knee OA.'},
'ConditionsModule': {'ConditionList': {'Condition': ['Pain',
'Osteo Arthritis Knee',
'Knee Osteoarthritis',
'Joint Diseases',
'Musculoskeletal Diseases',
'Rheumatic Diseases']},
'KeywordList': {'Keyword': ['Osteoarthritis', 'Knee', 'Levi-04']}},
'StatusModule': {'LastUpdatePostDateStruct': {'LastUpdatePostDateType': 'Actual',
'LastUpdatePostDate': 'November 16, 2022'},
'ExpandedAccessInfo': {'HasExpandedAccess': 'No'},
'StatusVerifiedDate': 'November 2022',
'StartDateStruct': {'StartDate': 'October 17, 2022',
'StartDateType': 'Actual'},
'StudyFirstSubmitDate': 'November 1, 2022',
'StudyFirstSubmitQCDate': 'November 9, 2022',
'CompletionDateStruct': {'CompletionDateType': 'Anticipated',
'CompletionDate': 'December 12, 2023'},
'StudyFirstPostDateStruct': {'StudyFirstPostDate': 'November 16, 2022',
'StudyFirstPostDateType': 'Actual'},
'PrimaryCompletionDateStruct': {'PrimaryCompletionDate': 'September 13, 2023',
'PrimaryCompletionDateType': 'Anticipated'},
'LastUpdateSubmitDate': 'November 9, 2022',
'OverallStatus': 'Recruiting'},
'EligibilityModule': {'EligibilityCriteria': "Inclusion Criteria:\n\nSigned Informed Consent form (ICF).\nMale or female participants between ≥40 and ≤80 years of age.\nBMI ≤40 kg/m2.\nThe ability to utilize the eDiary device provided by study sites.\nHistory of knee pain on most days for at least 3 months prior to Screening\n\nConfirmation of OA of the knee\n\nRadiographs of both knees with a Posterior-Anterior, Fixed-flexion view taken during the Screening Period.\nAmerican College of Rheumatology (ACR) clinical and radiographic diagnostic criteria.\nEvidence of knee OA with a KL grade ≥2, determined through central reading.\nTarget Knee must have a score of ≥20 out of 50 on the WOMAC pain subscale during Screening and at Randomization\n\nThe Baseline (NRS) Pain score will be derived from the last seven days of the Diary Run-In Period and must meet following criteria:\n\nCompletion of Average Daily (NRS) Pain score on at least 6 of the 7 days.\nMean Average Daily (NRS) Pain score must be ≥4.0 and ≤9.0\nMean Average Daily (NRS) Pain variability must be ≤1.5\nIf female, not of childbearing potential defined as post-menopausal for at least 1 year, or surgically sterile (bilateral tubal ligation, bilateral oophorectomy, or hysterectomy), or practicing an agreed upon highly effective method of birth control throughout the study period.\nIf male and sexually active with partner of childbearing potential, willing to agree to practice a highly effective method of contraception from Visit 2 and at least 3 months after Visit 11 (week 20).\nWilling to withdraw from any medication for Osteoarthritis including, but not limited to, Opioids, Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), COX-2 inhibitors, Topical medication, and Duloxetine.\nParticipant agrees to take only the allowed Rescue Medications from the start of the Diary Run-In Period through study completion (maximum 4000 mg paracetamol per day).\n\nExclusion Criteria:\n\nPresence of OA of other major joints (including but not limited to nontarget knee) that could interfere with assessment of pain due to OA of the target knee, in the opinion of the investigator.\nCurrent comorbid condition, other than OA, known to be significantly associated with arthritis or joint pathology, including but not necessarily limited to autoimmune disease with significant joint involvement (e.g., Rheumatoid Arthritis or Paget's disease; Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies (e.g. Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriasis arthritis, Reactive arthritis); or other systemic disease involving the target knee (including endocrinopathies).\nThe following conditions should be excluded: Known presence of rapidly Progressive Osteoarthritis (RPOA), primary osteonecrosis (including spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee), subchondral insufficiency fractures (SIF), avascular necrosis, osteoporotic fractures, atrophic OA, excessive malalignment of the knee (anatomical axis angle greater than 10 degrees), pathological fractures, or stress fracture or reaction, vertical tear of the posterior meniscal root, or large or extensive subchondral cysts, or target knee anserine or patellar bursitis of clinical relevance\nHip dislocation and congenital hip dysplasia with degenerative joint disease should be excluded.\nHistory of gout with recent (< 6 months) pain flares and uncontrolled uric acid levels. Participants with a history or diagnosis of pseudogout (calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease) can enroll if there has not been a flare within 6 months prior to screening and use of NSAIDs is not required for management of this condition.\nPresence of neuropathic pain deemed likely to interfere with trial endpoints, complex regional pain syndrome, or chronic widespread pain syndromes e.g., fibromyalgia.\nHistory of significant trauma (e.g., intra-articular fracture) or surgery (excluding injection therapies and arthroscopy) to a knee, hip, or shoulder within the previous 1 year\nPlanned major surgery or other major invasive procedures while participating in the study.\nSurgery or stent placement for coronary artery disease in the six months prior to screening .\nNondiagnostic arthroscopy performed on the target knee joint within 180 days prior to Screening; or diagnostic arthroscopy performed on the target knee joint within 90 days prior to Screening.\nIntraarticular injection therapies to the target knee joint within 12 weeks prior to Screening, or to any non-target joint within 6 weeks prior to Screening.\nParticipants likely to be deemed unfit for joint replacement surgery due to concomitant illness, in the investigator opinion.\nOpioid use, including Tramadol, of 4 or more instances per week over the month prior to Screening.\nKnown history of hypersensitivity to monoclonal antibodies.\nPresence of any medical condition or unstable health status that, in the judgment of the investigator, might adversely impact the safety of the participant.\nSigns and symptoms of significant cardiac disease, including but not limited to established ischemic heart disease, peripheral arterial disease and /or cerebrovascular disease (unstable angina, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular thrombotic events, transient ischemic attacks, and stroke in the six months prior to screening)\nActive malignancy or history of malignancy within the past 5 years, with exception of resected and cured basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.\nClinically significant abnormal laboratory parameter(s) and/or ECG parameter(s) during Screening, that, in the judgment of the Investigator, would preclude the participant from participation in this study.\nParticipation in other studies involving investigational drug(s) within 30 days (or 90 days for biologics) prior to screening.\nHistory of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with symptoms within one year of Screening or a Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (Symptom Severity Scale) mean score ≥3.\nA total Symptom Impact score on the Survey of Autonomic Symptoms ≥3.\nPregnant or breast feeding.\nPreviously received any form of anti-NGF\nRequires walker or wheelchair for mobility (walking stick permitted).\nActive or historic substance abuse within one year of Screening in the opinion of the Investigator.\nMedical history within 5 years of Screening that involves suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, or increased risk of suicide as assessed by the Investigator.\nPresence of any contraindication to MRI",
'HealthyVolunteers': 'No',
'StdAgeList': {'StdAge': ['Adult', 'Older Adult']},
'MinimumAge': '40 Years',
'Gender': 'All',
'MaximumAge': '80 Years'},
'OversightModule': {'OversightHasDMC': 'No',
'IsFDARegulatedDrug': 'No',
'IsFDARegulatedDevice': 'No'},
'DesignModule': {'EnrollmentInfo': {'EnrollmentType': 'Anticipated',
'EnrollmentCount': '624'},
'PhaseList': {'Phase': ['Phase 2']},
'StudyType': 'Interventional',
'DesignInfo': {'DesignInterventionModelDescription': 'This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of multiple doses and multiple administrations of LEVI-04 for the treatment of pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee. The study consists of a Screening Period (including a Diary Run- In/analgesic wash-out Period), Randomization, Post-Randomization Period, and a Follow-up Period. Up to 624 participants will be enrolled and randomized to one of four Treatment Arms at the ratio 1:1:1:1.',
'DesignPrimaryPurpose': 'Treatment',
'DesignInterventionModel': 'Parallel Assignment',
'DesignMaskingInfo': {'DesignMaskingDescription': 'Double- Blind',
'DesignWhoMaskedList': {'DesignWhoMasked': ['Participant',
'Care Provider',
'Outcomes Assessor']},
'DesignMasking': 'Quadruple'},
'DesignAllocation': 'Randomized'}},
'IdentificationModule': {'NCTId': 'NCT05618782',
'Organization': {'OrgFullName': 'Levicept', 'OrgClass': 'INDUSTRY'},
'BriefTitle': 'Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of LEVI-04 in Patients With Osteoarthritis of the Knee',
'OrgStudyIdInfo': {'OrgStudyId': 'LEVI-04-21-02'},
'OfficialTitle': 'A Phase 2a, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of the Efficacy and Safety of LEVI-04 in Patients With Osteoarthritis of the Knee'},
'OutcomesModule': {'PrimaryOutcomeList': {'PrimaryOutcome': [{'PrimaryOutcomeDescription': 'Change in WOMAC pain subscale',
'PrimaryOutcomeTimeFrame': 'up to 17 weeks',
'PrimaryOutcomeMeasure': 'To evaluate the efficacy of LEVI-04 (multiple doses) compared to placebo in reducing pain due to knee OA.'}]},
'SecondaryOutcomeList': {'SecondaryOutcome': [{'SecondaryOutcomeDescription': 'Change in StEPP',
'SecondaryOutcomeTimeFrame': 'up to 17 weeks',
'SecondaryOutcomeMeasure': 'To evaluate the efficacy of LEVI-04 (multiple doses) compared to placebo in improving physical function.'},
{'SecondaryOutcomeDescription': 'Change in WOMAC Physical function subscale',
'SecondaryOutcomeTimeFrame': 'up to 17 weeks',
'SecondaryOutcomeMeasure': 'To evaluate the efficacy of LEVI-04 (multiple doses) compared to placebo in improving physical function.'},
{'SecondaryOutcomeDescription': 'Change in WOMAC Stiffness subscale',
'SecondaryOutcomeTimeFrame': 'up to 17 weeks',
'SecondaryOutcomeMeasure': 'To evaluate the efficacy of LEVI-04 (multiple doses) compared to placebo in improving joint stiffness.'},
{'SecondaryOutcomeDescription': 'Change in PGA',
'SecondaryOutcomeTimeFrame': 'up to 17 weeks',
'SecondaryOutcomeMeasure': 'To evaluate the efficacy of LEVI-04 (multiple doses) compared to placebo in Patient Global Assessment (PGA).'},
{'SecondaryOutcomeDescription': 'Rescue Medication usage during the trial',
'SecondaryOutcomeTimeFrame': 'up to 20 weeks',
'SecondaryOutcomeMeasure': 'To evaluate rescue medication use in the LEVI-04 group (multiple doses) compared to placebo.'},
{'SecondaryOutcomeDescription': 'Change in average weekly NRS score',
'SecondaryOutcomeTimeFrame': 'up to 17 weeks',
'SecondaryOutcomeMeasure': 'To evaluate the proportion of responders based on various levels of reduced pain in participants receiving LEVI-04 (multiple doses) compared to placebo.'}]}}}}},
'externalIds': {'NCTID': 'NCT05618782', 'orgStudyId': 'LEVI-04-21-02'},
'trialData': {'lastUpdateSubmitDate': '2022-11-09',
'designAllocation': 'Randomized',
'keywords': ['Osteoarthritis', 'Knee', 'Levi-04'],
'gender': 'All',
'designPrimaryPurpose': 'Treatment',
'ageList': ['Adult', 'Older Adult'],
'statusVerifiedDate': '2022-11-01',
'conditionList': ['Pain',
'Osteo Arthritis Knee',
'Knee Osteoarthritis',
'Joint Diseases',
'Musculoskeletal Diseases',
'Rheumatic Diseases'],
'responsiblePartyType': 'Sponsor',
'studyType': 'Interventional',
'primaryCompletionDate': '2023-09-13',
'collaborators': 'Nordic Bioscience Clinical Development (NBCD)',
'enrollmentCount': 624,
'studyFirstPostDate': '2022-11-16',
'lastUpdatePostDate': '2022-11-16',
'healthyVolunteers': 'No',
'phases': ['Phase 2'],
'organizationName': 'Levicept',
'designInterventionModel': 'Parallel Assignment',
'maximumAge': '80 Years',
'studyFirstSubmitQcDate': '2022-11-09',
'designMasking': 'Quadruple',
'studyFirstSubmitDate': '2022-11-01',
'leadSponsor': 'Levicept',
'interventions': ['Drug: LEVI-04', 'Other: Placebo:'],
'minimumAge': '40 Years',
'completionDate': '2023-12-12',
'enrollmentType': 'Anticipated',
'overallStatus': 'Recruiting',
'startDate': '2022-10-17'},
'suggestedCategoryRankings': {},
'tweet': {},
'suggestedCategoryIds': [],
'namedEntities': [{'pos': [[713, 753], [995, 1035], [1277, 1317]],
'concept': 'p75 neurotrophin receptor fusion protein',
'typeId': 'PROTEIN'},
{'pos': [[755, 764], [1037, 1046], [1319, 1328]],
'concept': 'p75NTR-Fc',
'typeId': 'PROTEIN'},
{'pos': [[783, 802], [1065, 1084], [1347, 1366]],
'concept': 'nerve growth factor',
'typeId': 'PROTEIN'},
{'pos': [[804, 807], [1086, 1089], [1368, 1371]],
'concept': 'NGF',
'typeId': 'PROTEIN'},
{'pos': [[4042, 4047]], 'concept': 'COX-2', 'typeId': 'PROTEIN'},
{'pos': [[8382, 8390]], 'concept': 'anti-NGF', 'typeId': 'PROTEIN'},
{'pos': [[2824, 2856]],
'concept': 'American College of Rheumatology',
'typeId': 'ORG'},
{'pos': [[2858, 2861]], 'concept': 'ACR', 'typeId': 'ORG'},
{'pos': [[4722, 4729]], 'concept': "Paget's", 'typeId': 'PER'},
{'pos': [[120, 127],
[536, 543],
[596, 603],
[874, 881],
[1156, 1163],
[1438, 1445],
[1550, 1557],
[1672, 1679],
[1793, 1800],
[1914, 1921],
[2033, 2040],
[2171, 2178],
[2346, 2353]],
'concept': 'LEVI-04',
'typeId': 'CHEMICAL'},
{'pos': [[149, 153],
[1607, 1611],
[2315, 2319],
[3046, 3050],
[3118, 3122],
[3266, 3270],
[3331, 3335],
[3389, 3393],
[4410, 4414],
[5639, 5643]],
'concept': 'pain',
'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[161, 187]],
'concept': 'osteoarthritis of the knee',
'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[857, 866], [1139, 1148], [1421, 1430]],
'concept': 'analgesia',
'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[961, 966], [1243, 1248]],
'concept': 'LEVI-',
'typeId': 'CHEMICAL'},
{'pos': [[1978, 1987]], 'concept': 'stiffness', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[2620, 2629]], 'concept': 'knee pain', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[2701, 2715]], 'concept': 'OA of the knee', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[2922, 2929]], 'concept': 'knee OA', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[2993, 2997]], 'concept': 'Knee', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[3943, 3957], [5011, 5025]],
'concept': 'Osteoarthritis',
'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[4084, 4094]], 'concept': 'Duloxetine', 'typeId': 'CHEMICAL'},
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{'pos': [[4722, 4737]], 'concept': "Paget's disease", 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[4739, 4773]],
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'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
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'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[4825, 4843]],
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'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
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{'pos': [[5079, 5104]],
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'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[5119, 5142]],
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'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[5144, 5147]], 'concept': 'SIF', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[5150, 5168]],
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'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[5170, 5192]],
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'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
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{'pos': [[5461, 5478]],
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'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
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{'pos': [[5521, 5545]],
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'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[5551, 5577]],
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'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[5609, 5613]], 'concept': 'gout', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
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{'pos': [[5730, 5740]], 'concept': 'pseudogout', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[5742, 5800]],
'concept': 'calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease',
'typeId': 'CHEMICAL'},
{'pos': [[5958, 5974]], 'concept': 'neuropathic pain', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[6041, 6054]], 'concept': 'pain syndrome', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[6078, 6092]], 'concept': 'pain syndromes', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
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{'pos': [[6166, 6174]], 'concept': 'fracture', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[6412, 6435]],
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'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[6974, 6982]], 'concept': 'Tramadol', 'typeId': 'CHEMICAL'},
{'pos': [[7068, 7084]], 'concept': 'hypersensitivity', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[7302, 7317]], 'concept': 'cardiac disease', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[7360, 7382]],
'concept': 'ischemic heart disease',
'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[7384, 7411]],
'concept': 'peripheral arterial disease',
'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[7420, 7443]],
'concept': 'cerebrovascular disease',
'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[7445, 7460]], 'concept': 'unstable angina', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[7462, 7483]],
'concept': 'myocardial infarction',
'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[7500, 7510]], 'concept': 'thrombotic', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[7519, 7545]],
'concept': 'transient ischemic attacks',
'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[7551, 7557]], 'concept': 'stroke', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[7603, 7613], [7628, 7638]],
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{'pos': [[7701, 7721]],
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{'pos': [[7726, 7761]],
'concept': 'squamous cell carcinoma of the skin',
'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[8107, 8129]],
'concept': 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome',
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{'pos': [[8185, 8198]], 'concept': 'Carpal Tunnel', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[8480, 8495]], 'concept': 'substance abuse', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[8619, 8636]],
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{'pos': [[8638, 8645]], 'concept': 'suicide', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
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{'pos': [[755, 761], [1037, 1043], [1319, 1325]],
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{'pos': [[783, 802], [1065, 1084], [1347, 1366]],
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{'pos': [[1467, 1474], [1487, 1494]],
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{'pos': [[2149, 2159], [3928, 3938], [4068, 4078]],
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{'pos': [[3989, 3996]], 'concept': 'Opioids', 'typeId': 'CHEBI'},
{'pos': [[3998, 4031]],
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{'pos': [[4147, 4158]], 'concept': 'Medications', 'typeId': 'CHEBI'},
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{'pos': [[5742, 5773]],
'concept': 'calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate',
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'sections': [{'heading': 'Summary',
'section': 'This is a phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of multiple doses and multiple administrations of LEVI-04 for the treatment of pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee.',
'hideSectionFromView': True},
{'heading': 'Detailed Description',
'section': 'The study consists of a Screening Period (including a Diary Run- In/analgesic wash-out Period), Randomization, Post-Randomization Period, and a Follow-up Period. Up to 624 participants will be enrolled and randomized to one of four Treatment Arms at the ratio 1:1:1:1\n\nThe overall objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of LEVI-04 compared to placebo in patients with knee OA.',
'hideSectionFromView': True},
{'heading': 'Interventions',
'section': 'Drug: LEVI-04\nOther: Placebo:',
'hideSectionFromView': True},
{'heading': 'Arms and Interventions',
'section': 'Active Comparator: 0.3 mg/kg dose intravenous infusion of LEVI-04\nLEVI- 04 is a proprietary p75 neurotrophin receptor fusion protein (p75NTR-Fc).It modulates the nerve growth factor (NGF) pathway, clinically proven to provide effective analgesia.\nDrug: LEVI-04\nIntravenous infusion\nActive Comparator: 1.0 mg/kg dose intravenous infusion of LEVI-04\nLEVI- 04 is a proprietary p75 neurotrophin receptor fusion protein (p75NTR-Fc).It modulates the nerve growth factor (NGF) pathway, clinically proven to provide effective analgesia.\nDrug: LEVI-04\nIntravenous infusion\nActive Comparator: 2.0 mg/kg dose intravenous infusion of LEVI-04\nLEVI- 04 is a proprietary p75 neurotrophin receptor fusion protein (p75NTR-Fc).It modulates the nerve growth factor (NGF) pathway, clinically proven to provide effective analgesia.\nDrug: LEVI-04\nIntravenous infusion\nPlacebo Comparator: Placebo dose intravenous infusion',
'hideSectionFromView': True},
{'heading': 'Primary Outcome Measure',
'section': 'To evaluate the efficacy of LEVI-04 (multiple doses) compared to placebo in reducing pain due to knee OA.[up to 17 weeks]',
'hideSectionFromView': True},
{'heading': 'Secondary Outcome Measure',
'section': 'To evaluate the efficacy of LEVI-04 (multiple doses) compared to placebo in improving physical function.[up to 17 weeks]\nTo evaluate the efficacy of LEVI-04 (multiple doses) compared to placebo in improving physical function.[up to 17 weeks]\nTo evaluate the efficacy of LEVI-04 (multiple doses) compared to placebo in improving joint stiffness.[up to 17 weeks]\nTo evaluate the efficacy of LEVI-04 (multiple doses) compared to placebo in Patient Global Assessment (PGA).[up to 17 weeks]\nTo evaluate rescue medication use in the LEVI-04 group (multiple doses) compared to placebo.[up to 20 weeks]\nTo evaluate the proportion of responders based on various levels of reduced pain in participants receiving LEVI-04 (multiple doses) compared to placebo.[up to 17 weeks]',
'hideSectionFromView': True},
{'heading': 'Eligibility Criteria',
'section': "Inclusion Criteria:\n\nSigned Informed Consent form (ICF).\nMale or female participants between ≥40 and ≤80 years of age.\nBMI ≤40 kg/m2.\nThe ability to utilize the eDiary device provided by study sites.\nHistory of knee pain on most days for at least 3 months prior to Screening\n\nConfirmation of OA of the knee\n\nRadiographs of both knees with a Posterior-Anterior, Fixed-flexion view taken during the Screening Period.\nAmerican College of Rheumatology (ACR) clinical and radiographic diagnostic criteria.\nEvidence of knee OA with a KL grade ≥2, determined through central reading.\nTarget Knee must have a score of ≥20 out of 50 on the WOMAC pain subscale during Screening and at Randomization\n\nThe Baseline (NRS) Pain score will be derived from the last seven days of the Diary Run-In Period and must meet following criteria:\n\nCompletion of Average Daily (NRS) Pain score on at least 6 of the 7 days.\nMean Average Daily (NRS) Pain score must be ≥4.0 and ≤9.0\nMean Average Daily (NRS) Pain variability must be ≤1.5\nIf female, not of childbearing potential defined as post-menopausal for at least 1 year, or surgically sterile (bilateral tubal ligation, bilateral oophorectomy, or hysterectomy), or practicing an agreed upon highly effective method of birth control throughout the study period.\nIf male and sexually active with partner of childbearing potential, willing to agree to practice a highly effective method of contraception from Visit 2 and at least 3 months after Visit 11 (week 20).\nWilling to withdraw from any medication for Osteoarthritis including, but not limited to, Opioids, Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), COX-2 inhibitors, Topical medication, and Duloxetine.\nParticipant agrees to take only the allowed Rescue Medications from the start of the Diary Run-In Period through study completion (maximum 4000 mg paracetamol per day).\n\nExclusion Criteria:\n\nPresence of OA of other major joints (including but not limited to nontarget knee) that could interfere with assessment of pain due to OA of the target knee, in the opinion of the investigator.\nCurrent comorbid condition, other than OA, known to be significantly associated with arthritis or joint pathology, including but not necessarily limited to autoimmune disease with significant joint involvement (e.g., Rheumatoid Arthritis or Paget's disease; Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies (e.g. Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriasis arthritis, Reactive arthritis); or other systemic disease involving the target knee (including endocrinopathies).\nThe following conditions should be excluded: Known presence of rapidly Progressive Osteoarthritis (RPOA), primary osteonecrosis (including spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee), subchondral insufficiency fractures (SIF), avascular necrosis, osteoporotic fractures, atrophic OA, excessive malalignment of the knee (anatomical axis angle greater than 10 degrees), pathological fractures, or stress fracture or reaction, vertical tear of the posterior meniscal root, or large or extensive subchondral cysts, or target knee anserine or patellar bursitis of clinical relevance\nHip dislocation and congenital hip dysplasia with degenerative joint disease should be excluded.\nHistory of gout with recent (< 6 months) pain flares and uncontrolled uric acid levels. Participants with a history or diagnosis of pseudogout (calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease) can enroll if there has not been a flare within 6 months prior to screening and use of NSAIDs is not required for management of this condition.\nPresence of neuropathic pain deemed likely to interfere with trial endpoints, complex regional pain syndrome, or chronic widespread pain syndromes e.g., fibromyalgia.\nHistory of significant trauma (e.g., intra-articular fracture) or surgery (excluding injection therapies and arthroscopy) to a knee, hip, or shoulder within the previous 1 year\nPlanned major surgery or other major invasive procedures while participating in the study.\nSurgery or stent placement for coronary artery disease in the six months prior to screening .\nNondiagnostic arthroscopy performed on the target knee joint within 180 days prior to Screening; or diagnostic arthroscopy performed on the target knee joint within 90 days prior to Screening.\nIntraarticular injection therapies to the target knee joint within 12 weeks prior to Screening, or to any non-target joint within 6 weeks prior to Screening.\nParticipants likely to be deemed unfit for joint replacement surgery due to concomitant illness, in the investigator opinion.\nOpioid use, including Tramadol, of 4 or more instances per week over the month prior to Screening.\nKnown history of hypersensitivity to monoclonal antibodies.\nPresence of any medical condition or unstable health status that, in the judgment of the investigator, might adversely impact the safety of the participant.\nSigns and symptoms of significant cardiac disease, including but not limited to established ischemic heart disease, peripheral arterial disease and /or cerebrovascular disease (unstable angina, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular thrombotic events, transient ischemic attacks, and stroke in the six months prior to screening)\nActive malignancy or history of malignancy within the past 5 years, with exception of resected and cured basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.\nClinically significant abnormal laboratory parameter(s) and/or ECG parameter(s) during Screening, that, in the judgment of the Investigator, would preclude the participant from participation in this study.\nParticipation in other studies involving investigational drug(s) within 30 days (or 90 days for biologics) prior to screening.\nHistory of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with symptoms within one year of Screening or a Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (Symptom Severity Scale) mean score ≥3.\nA total Symptom Impact score on the Survey of Autonomic Symptoms ≥3.\nPregnant or breast feeding.\nPreviously received any form of anti-NGF\nRequires walker or wheelchair for mobility (walking stick permitted).\nActive or historic substance abuse within one year of Screening in the opinion of the Investigator.\nMedical history within 5 years of Screening that involves suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, or increased risk of suicide as assessed by the Investigator.\nPresence of any contraindication to MRI",
'hideSectionFromView': True},
{'heading': 'Inclusion Criteria',
'section': 'Signed Informed Consent form (ICF).\nMale or female participants between ≥40 and ≤80 years of age.\nBMI ≤40 kg/m2.\nThe ability to utilize the eDiary device provided by study sites.\nHistory of knee pain on most days for at least 3 months prior to Screening\n\nConfirmation of OA of the knee\n\nRadiographs of both knees with a Posterior-Anterior, Fixed-flexion view taken during the Screening Period.\nAmerican College of Rheumatology (ACR) clinical and radiographic diagnostic criteria.\nEvidence of knee OA with a KL grade ≥2, determined through central reading.\nTarget Knee must have a score of ≥20 out of 50 on the WOMAC pain subscale during Screening and at Randomization\n\nThe Baseline (NRS) Pain score will be derived from the last seven days of the Diary Run-In Period and must meet following criteria:\n\nCompletion of Average Daily (NRS) Pain score on at least 6 of the 7 days.\nMean Average Daily (NRS) Pain score must be ≥4.0 and ≤9.0\nMean Average Daily (NRS) Pain variability must be ≤1.5\nIf female, not of childbearing potential defined as post-menopausal for at least 1 year, or surgically sterile (bilateral tubal ligation, bilateral oophorectomy, or hysterectomy), or practicing an agreed upon highly effective method of birth control throughout the study period.\nIf male and sexually active with partner of childbearing potential, willing to agree to practice a highly effective method of contraception from Visit 2 and at least 3 months after Visit 11 (week 20).\nWilling to withdraw from any medication for Osteoarthritis including, but not limited to, Opioids, Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), COX-2 inhibitors, Topical medication, and Duloxetine.\nParticipant agrees to take only the allowed Rescue Medications from the start of the Diary Run-In Period through study completion (maximum 4000 mg paracetamol per day).',
'hideSectionFromView': True},
{'heading': 'Exclusion Criteria',
'section': "Presence of OA of other major joints (including but not limited to nontarget knee) that could interfere with assessment of pain due to OA of the target knee, in the opinion of the investigator.\nCurrent comorbid condition, other than OA, known to be significantly associated with arthritis or joint pathology, including but not necessarily limited to autoimmune disease with significant joint involvement (e.g., Rheumatoid Arthritis or Paget's disease; Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies (e.g. Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriasis arthritis, Reactive arthritis); or other systemic disease involving the target knee (including endocrinopathies).\nThe following conditions should be excluded: Known presence of rapidly Progressive Osteoarthritis (RPOA), primary osteonecrosis (including spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee), subchondral insufficiency fractures (SIF), avascular necrosis, osteoporotic fractures, atrophic OA, excessive malalignment of the knee (anatomical axis angle greater than 10 degrees), pathological fractures, or stress fracture or reaction, vertical tear of the posterior meniscal root, or large or extensive subchondral cysts, or target knee anserine or patellar bursitis of clinical relevance\nHip dislocation and congenital hip dysplasia with degenerative joint disease should be excluded.\nHistory of gout with recent (< 6 months) pain flares and uncontrolled uric acid levels. Participants with a history or diagnosis of pseudogout (calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease) can enroll if there has not been a flare within 6 months prior to screening and use of NSAIDs is not required for management of this condition.\nPresence of neuropathic pain deemed likely to interfere with trial endpoints, complex regional pain syndrome, or chronic widespread pain syndromes e.g., fibromyalgia.\nHistory of significant trauma (e.g., intra-articular fracture) or surgery (excluding injection therapies and arthroscopy) to a knee, hip, or shoulder within the previous 1 year\nPlanned major surgery or other major invasive procedures while participating in the study.\nSurgery or stent placement for coronary artery disease in the six months prior to screening .\nNondiagnostic arthroscopy performed on the target knee joint within 180 days prior to Screening; or diagnostic arthroscopy performed on the target knee joint within 90 days prior to Screening.\nIntraarticular injection therapies to the target knee joint within 12 weeks prior to Screening, or to any non-target joint within 6 weeks prior to Screening.\nParticipants likely to be deemed unfit for joint replacement surgery due to concomitant illness, in the investigator opinion.\nOpioid use, including Tramadol, of 4 or more instances per week over the month prior to Screening.\nKnown history of hypersensitivity to monoclonal antibodies.\nPresence of any medical condition or unstable health status that, in the judgment of the investigator, might adversely impact the safety of the participant.\nSigns and symptoms of significant cardiac disease, including but not limited to established ischemic heart disease, peripheral arterial disease and /or cerebrovascular disease (unstable angina, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular thrombotic events, transient ischemic attacks, and stroke in the six months prior to screening)\nActive malignancy or history of malignancy within the past 5 years, with exception of resected and cured basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.\nClinically significant abnormal laboratory parameter(s) and/or ECG parameter(s) during Screening, that, in the judgment of the Investigator, would preclude the participant from participation in this study.\nParticipation in other studies involving investigational drug(s) within 30 days (or 90 days for biologics) prior to screening.\nHistory of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with symptoms within one year of Screening or a Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (Symptom Severity Scale) mean score ≥3.\nA total Symptom Impact score on the Survey of Autonomic Symptoms ≥3.\nPregnant or breast feeding.\nPreviously received any form of anti-NGF\nRequires walker or wheelchair for mobility (walking stick permitted).\nActive or historic substance abuse within one year of Screening in the opinion of the Investigator.\nMedical history within 5 years of Screening that involves suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, or increased risk of suicide as assessed by the Investigator.\nPresence of any contraindication to MRI",
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'name': 'A Phase 2a, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of the Efficacy and Safety of LEVI-04 in Patients With Osteoarthritis of the Knee',
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Example dataframe:
| | queryString | jobId | batchGroupingKey | questionKey | singleDocQuestionDocumentId | typeOfSearch | dataProviders | minimumRequestedAnswers | pageIterationCount | complete | assignedUserIds | moderatorUserIds | assignedUserCount | curationDiscord | moderated | userCurations | curatedAnswerUserCount | curatedAnswerTotalCount | curatedAnswerUniqueCount | bestAnswers | hasAnswers | id | dateIndexed | datePublished | createdByUser | truncateTextToLength | searchCommandJsonString | advancedParams | curationPercentComplete | deepLearningModelId | dateUpdated |
| 0 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | 179d931a-acff-4756-8938-dbe407585490 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | pubmed_36561685 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | 5 | 0 | True | [25036] | [] | 1 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['osteonecrosis of the femoral head'] | True | AYXwh57oEs8gbQkuEVZn | 2023-01-27T00:01:38.023+0000 | 2023-01-27T00:01:38.023+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["pubmed_36561685"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | 0 | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-27T00:18:54.336+0000 |
| 1 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | 179d931a-acff-4756-8938-dbe407585490 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | pubmed_36578448 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | 5 | 0 | True | [25036] | [] | 1 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | [] | False | AYXwh52lEs8gbQkuEVZm | 2023-01-27T00:01:37.700+0000 | 2023-01-27T00:01:37.700+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["pubmed_36578448"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | 0 | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-27T00:18:54.336+0000 |
| 2 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | 179d931a-acff-4756-8938-dbe407585490 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | pubmed_36582244 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | 5 | 0 | True | [25036] | [] | 1 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | [] | False | AYXwh5wQEs8gbQkuEVZl | 2023-01-27T00:01:37.295+0000 | 2023-01-27T00:01:37.295+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["pubmed_36582244"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | 0 | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-27T00:18:54.336+0000 |
| 3 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | 179d931a-acff-4756-8938-dbe407585490 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | pubmed_36582928 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | 5 | 0 | True | [25036] | [] | 1 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['cam-type FAI'] | True | AYXwh5sPEs8gbQkuEVZk | 2023-01-27T00:01:37.038+0000 | 2023-01-27T00:01:37.038+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["pubmed_36582928"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | 0 | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-27T00:18:54.336+0000 |
| 75 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | 416c2ab9-4f0d-4fce-85cb-7f3c8a839f25 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | pmc_9687204 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | 5 | 0 | True | [25036, 25048] | [25036] | 2 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | [] | False | AYXwhw0vEs8gbQkuEVXZ | 2023-01-27T00:01:00.677+0000 | 2023-01-27T00:01:00.677+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["pmc_9687204"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | 0 | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-27T00:19:24.601+0000 |
| 76 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | 416c2ab9-4f0d-4fce-85cb-7f3c8a839f25 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | pmc_9677908 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | 5 | 0 | True | [25036, 25048] | [25036] | 2 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['jaw'] | True | AYXwhw0bEs8gbQkuEVXX | 2023-01-27T00:01:00.591+0000 | 2023-01-27T00:01:00.591+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["pmc_9677908"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | 0 | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-27T00:19:24.601+0000 |
| 77 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | 416c2ab9-4f0d-4fce-85cb-7f3c8a839f25 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | pmc_9690242 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | 5 | 0 | True | [25036, 25048] | [25036] | 2 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['the jaw'] | True | AYXwhw0VEs8gbQkuEVXW | 2023-01-27T00:01:00.591+0000 | 2023-01-27T00:01:00.591+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["pmc_9690242"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | 0 | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-27T00:19:24.601+0000 |
| 78 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | 416c2ab9-4f0d-4fce-85cb-7f3c8a839f25 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | pmc_9678901 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | 5 | 0 | True | [25036, 25048] | [25036] | 2 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | [] | False | AYXwhw0PEs8gbQkuEVXV | 2023-01-27T00:01:00.552+0000 | 2023-01-27T00:01:00.552+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["pmc_9678901"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | 0 | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-27T00:19:24.601+0000 |
| 83 | Categorize pubmed_36582928 from | 28748ef3-1c3e-417b-99dc-a46443b588cc | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36582928 | PARAGRAPH | | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['not_cancer'] | True | AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVVy | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.216+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.216+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 84 | Categorize pubmed_36608019 from | 28748ef3-1c3e-417b-99dc-a46443b588cc | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36608019 | PARAGRAPH | | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['not_cancer'] | True | AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVVv | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.216+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.216+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 85 | Categorize pubmed_36641320 from | 28748ef3-1c3e-417b-99dc-a46443b588cc | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36641320 | PARAGRAPH | | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['not_cancer'] | True | AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVVu | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.216+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.216+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 86 | Categorize pubmed_36656276 from | 28748ef3-1c3e-417b-99dc-a46443b588cc | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36656276 | PARAGRAPH | | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['not_cancer'] | True | AYXwhPgPEs8gbQkuEVVt | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.216+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:44.216+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 98 | Categorize pubmed_36606353 from | 5ad1f4d2-e987-4935-9886-329b89a4f137 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36606353 | PARAGRAPH | | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['heme'] | True | AYXwhGskEs8gbQkuEVUO | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.143+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.143+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 99 | Categorize pubmed_36641320 from | 5ad1f4d2-e987-4935-9886-329b89a4f137 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36641320 | PARAGRAPH | | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['heme'] | True | AYXwhGskEs8gbQkuEVUM | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.143+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.143+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 100 | Categorize pubmed_36582928 from | 5ad1f4d2-e987-4935-9886-329b89a4f137 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36582928 | PARAGRAPH | | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['heme'] | True | AYXwhGskEs8gbQkuEVUQ | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.143+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.143+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 101 | Categorize pubmed_36660493 from | 5ad1f4d2-e987-4935-9886-329b89a4f137 | AYXweEvEEs8gbQkuEVT1 | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pubmed_36660493 | PARAGRAPH | | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['heme'] | True | AYXwhGskEs8gbQkuEVUK | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.142+0000 | 2023-01-26T23:58:08.142+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
['AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-t', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-o', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-s', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-y', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-l', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-q', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-n', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-w', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-r', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-0', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-2', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-u', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-m', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-x', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-1', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-z', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-p', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9P', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9N', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9O', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9L', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9M', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9K', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9Q', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9J', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9I', 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk9H', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk9B', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk9E', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk85', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk9D', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk82', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk89', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk8_', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk83', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk9A', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk9C', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk88', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk86', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk9F', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk84', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk87', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk81', 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk80', 'AYYJ_NGjn02FJXK6Tk7c', 'AYYJ_NGjn02FJXK6Tk7f', 'AYYJ_NGjn02FJXK6Tk7b', 'AYYJ_NGjn02FJXK6Tk7d', 'AYYJ_NGjn02FJXK6Tk7e', 'AYYJ_NGjn02FJXK6Tk7Y', 'AYYJ_NGjn02FJXK6Tk7W', 'AYYJ_NGjn02FJXK6Tk7a', 'AYYJ_NGjn02FJXK6Tk7X', 'AYYJ_NGjn02FJXK6Tk7Z', 'AYYJ_HeNn02FJXK6Tk6z', 'AYYJ_Hazn02FJXK6Tk6x', 'AYYJ_HX2n02FJXK6Tk6v', 'AYYJ_HV6n02FJXK6Tk6t', 'AYYJ_HRXn02FJXK6Tk6r', 'AYYJ_HHAn02FJXK6Tk6p', 'AYYJ_HD_n02FJXK6Tk6n', 'AYYJ_EVgn02FJXK6Tk5w', 'AYYJ_EQBn02FJXK6Tk5v', 'AYYJ_EJwn02FJXK6Tk5u', 'AYYJ_EI9n02FJXK6Tk5t', 'AYYJ_EGGn02FJXK6Tk5s', 'AYYJ_EEYn02FJXK6Tk5r', 'AYYJ_D7Gn02FJXK6Tk5q', 'AYYJ_D5en02FJXK6Tk5p', 'AYYJ_DwWn02FJXK6Tk5o', 'AYYJ_DvFn02FJXK6Tk5n', 'AYYJ_DvEn02FJXK6Tk5m', 'AYYJ_Dlln02FJXK6Tk5l', 'AYYJ_Dkyn02FJXK6Tk5k', 'AYYJ_DkVn02FJXK6Tk5j', 'AYYJ_Dihn02FJXK6Tk5i', 'AYYJ_Dihn02FJXK6Tk5h', 'AYYJ_Dhsn02FJXK6Tk5g', 'AYYJ_Denn02FJXK6Tk5f', 'AYYJ_Dbgn02FJXK6Tk5e', 'AYYJ_DUJn02FJXK6Tk5d', 'AYYJ-_Q0n02FJXK6Tk4P', 'AYYJ-_Nen02FJXK6Tk4N', 'AYYJ-_Awn02FJXK6Tk4L', 'AYYJ--_gn02FJXK6Tk4K', 'AYYJ--1an02FJXK6Tk4H', 'AYYJ--xYn02FJXK6Tk4F', 'AYYJ-9tCn02FJXK6Tk33', 'AYYJ-9oQn02FJXK6Tk32', 'AYYJ-9bFn02FJXK6Tk31', 'AYYJ-9SBn02FJXK6Tk30', 'AYYJ-9Rxn02FJXK6Tk3z', 'AYYJ-9H6n02FJXK6Tk3y', 'AYYJ-82Fn02FJXK6Tk3x', 'AYYJ-8vUn02FJXK6Tk3w', 'AYYJ-8l_n02FJXK6Tk3v', 'AYYJ-8Vgn02FJXK6Tk3u', 'AYYJ-7_Jn02FJXK6Tk3s', 'AYYJ-79Mn02FJXK6Tk3r', 'AYYJ-7isn02FJXK6Tk3o', 'AYYJ-7isn02FJXK6Tk3p', 'AYYJ-7g5n02FJXK6Tk3l', 'AYYJ-7g0n02FJXK6Tk3k', 'AYYJ-7gpn02FJXK6Tk3i', 'AYYJ-7hon02FJXK6Tk3m', 'AYYJ-7hwn02FJXK6Tk3n', 'AYYJ-7gpn02FJXK6Tk3j']
Retrieve all Answers to Question IDs
Finally, retrieve all of the answers, for each question, in each document, based on their questionIds and documentIds.
response ="{envUrl}/layar/answer/search",
data = json.dumps({
"singleDocQuestionDocumentIds": singleDocQuestionIds,
"questionIds": questionIds,
"withConcepts": "False",
"rows": 200}),
headers = {
'authorization':f"Bearer {token}",
'X-Vyasa-Client': 'layar'
temp = response.json()
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(temp)
// Here's an example of some of the answers you might see for the four different jobs run on the set:
[{'questionId': 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-0',
'text': 'heme',
'evidence': [{'documentId': 'trials_NCT05631795',
'provider': '',
'name': 'heme',
'probability': 0.8577}],
'rejected': False,
'questionQueryString': 'Categorize trials_NCT05631795 from',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W',
'questionKey': 'Heme - Binary Text Classification',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'trials_NCT05631795',
'id': 'AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-0_heme',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:40:10.658+0000',
'datePublished': '2023-01-31T22:40:10.658+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036},
{'questionId': 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk9D',
'text': 'not_cancer',
'evidence': [{'documentId': 'trials_NCT05631795',
'provider': '',
'name': 'not_cancer',
'probability': 0.9898}],
'rejected': False,
'questionQueryString': 'Categorize trials_NCT05631795 from',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W',
'questionKey': 'Cancer - Binary Text Classification',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'trials_NCT05631795',
'id': 'AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk9D_not_cancer',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:40:09.111+0000',
'datePublished': '2023-01-31T22:40:09.111+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036},
{'questionId': 'AYYJ_HX2n02FJXK6Tk6v',
'text': 'jaw',
'evidence': [{'context': "Any severe and/ or uncontrolled medical conditions Participant with severe liver impairment (Child Pugh score B/C) Participant has impairment of gastrointestinal (GI) function or GI disease that may significantly alter the absorption of the study drugs Participant has any other concurrent severe and/or uncontrolled medical condition that would, in the investigator's judgment, contraindicate patient participation in the clinical study Participant has documented pneumonitis/interstitial lung disease which is active and requiring treatment Participant has active cardiac disease or a history of cardiac dysfunction Participants with unresolved osteonecrosis of the jaw Participant has a history of severe cutaneous reactions like Stevens-Johnson-Syndrome (SJS), Erythema Multiforme (EM), Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN), or Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS). Participant is a nursing (lactating) or pregnant woman Participant is a woman of child-bearing potential defined as all women physiologically capable of becoming pregnant, unless they are using highly effective methods of contraception during study treatment and at least for 1 week (for alpelisib) or 1 year (for fulvestrant based on prescribing label) after the last dose of each study drug (whichever comes later).",
'documentId': 'trials_NCT05631795',
'paragraphId': 'AYTTa241vgi3KBGqUNMr',
'provider': '',
'documentURI': '',
'name': 'ALPelisib INdia Safety STudy (ALPINIST): A Phase IV, Prospective, Multicenter, Open-label, Non-comparative, Interventional Study to Assess the Safety of Alpelisib Plus Fulvestrant, in Men and Post-menopausal Women With HR Positive, HER2-negative, Advanced Breast Cancer (aBC) With a PIK3CA Mutation, Whose Disease Has Progressed on or After Endocrine Based Treatment.',
'probability': 0.7198254404712894,
'passageRankingScore': -5.726113319396973,
'answerRankingScore': 11.058496952056885,
'startOffset': 88,
'endOffset': 88,
'namedEntities': [{'pos': [[647, 660]],
'concept': 'osteonecrosis',
'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[847, 859]], 'concept': 'Eosinophilia', 'typeId': 'DISEASE'},
{'pos': [[94, 103]], 'concept': 'hild Pugh', 'typeId': 'PER'}]}],
'rejected': False,
'questionQueryString': 'Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body?',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W',
'questionKey': 'Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body?',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'trials_NCT05631795',
'id': 'AYYJ_HX2n02FJXK6Tk6v_jaw',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:39:46.812+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036},
{'questionId': 'AYYJ-_Awn02FJXK6Tk4L',
'text': 'confirmed PIK3CA mutant advanced or metastatic breast cancer',
'evidence': [{'context': "Key Inclusion Criteria: Participants with confirmed PIK3CA mutant advanced or metastatic breast cancer Postmenopausal females and males ≥ 18 years old with confirmed HR-positive, HER2-negative advanced or metastatic breast cancer. Adequate liver function Adequate renal function Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) ≤140 mg/dL (7.7 mmol/L) and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) ≤ 6.4% ECOG (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group) Performance Status < 2 Fasting Serum amylase ≤ 2 × ULN and Fasting Serum lipase ≤ ULN Potassium within normal limits, or corrected with supplements Calcium (corrected for serum albumin) and magnesium within normal limits or ≤ grade 1 if judged clinically not significant by the investigator Key Exclusion Criteria: Known hypersensitivity to alpelisib or fulvestrant, or to any of the excipients of alpelisib or fulvestrant Participant ineligible for endocrine therapy per the investigator's judgment Participant has received prior treatment with any PI3K inhibitors and / or mTOR inhibitor",
'documentId': 'trials_NCT05631795',
'paragraphId': 'AYTTa241vgi3KBGqUNMp',
'provider': '',
'documentURI': '',
'name': 'ALPelisib INdia Safety STudy (ALPINIST): A Phase IV, Prospective, Multicenter, Open-label, Non-comparative, Interventional Study to Assess the Safety of Alpelisib Plus Fulvestrant, in Men and Post-menopausal Women With HR Positive, HER2-negative, Advanced Breast Cancer (aBC) With a PIK3CA Mutation, Whose Disease Has Progressed on or After Endocrine Based Treatment.',
'probability': 0.9317264879723831,
'passageRankingScore': -4.264089584350586,
'answerRankingScore': 6.1259918212890625,
'startOffset': 5,
'endOffset': 12,
'namedEntities': [{'pos': [[375, 379]],
'concept': 'ECOG',
'typeId': 'ORG'},
{'pos': [[381, 415]],
'concept': 'Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group',
'typeId': 'ORG'},
{'pos': [[607, 616]], 'concept': 'magnesium', 'typeId': 'CHEBI'}]}],
'rejected': False,
'questionQueryString': 'What is the disease or indication being studied?',
'batchGroupingKey': 'AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W',
'questionKey': 'What is the disease or indication being studied?',
'singleDocQuestionDocumentId': 'trials_NCT05631795',
'id': 'AYYJ-_Awn02FJXK6Tk4L_confirmed_PIK3CA_mutant_advanced_or_metastatic_breast_cancer',
'dateIndexed': '2023-01-31T22:39:12.900+0000',
'createdByUser': 25036}]
Example dataframe:
| | queryString | jobId | batchGroupingKey | questionKey | singleDocQuestionDocumentId | typeOfSearch | dataProviders | sectionKeywords | minimumRequestedAnswers | pageIterationCount | complete | assignedUserIds | moderatorUserIds | assignedUserCount | curationDiscord | moderated | userCurations | curatedAnswerUserCount | curatedAnswerTotalCount | curatedAnswerUniqueCount | bestAnswers | hasAnswers | id | dateIndexed | datePublished | createdByUser | truncateTextToLength | searchCommandJsonString | advancedParams | deepLearningModelId | dateUpdated |
| 0 | Categorize pmc_9675136 from | 3ce7e538-69e2-4eba-a88a-d7d3aa5fb09d | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pmc_9675136 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['heme'] | True | AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-t | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.658+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.658+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 1 | Categorize pmc_9690242 from | 3ce7e538-69e2-4eba-a88a-d7d3aa5fb09d | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pmc_9690242 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['heme'] | True | AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-o | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.658+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.658+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 2 | Categorize pmc_9677908 from | 3ce7e538-69e2-4eba-a88a-d7d3aa5fb09d | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pmc_9677908 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['heme'] | True | AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-s | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.658+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.658+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 3 | Categorize trials_NCT05639673 from | 3ce7e538-69e2-4eba-a88a-d7d3aa5fb09d | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Heme - Binary Text Classification | trials_NCT05639673 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['heme'] | True | AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-y | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.658+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.658+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 4 | Categorize pmc_9662276 from | 3ce7e538-69e2-4eba-a88a-d7d3aa5fb09d | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Heme - Binary Text Classification | pmc_9662276 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['heme'] | True | AYYJ_Neyn02FJXK6Tk-l | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.658+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:10.658+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 27 | Categorize trials_NCT05639673 from | 453f834e-7d59-4140-9728-0d13e8ea7db5 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | trials_NCT05639673 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['not_cancer'] | True | AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk9B | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.111+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.111+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 28 | Categorize trials_NCT05625087 from | 453f834e-7d59-4140-9728-0d13e8ea7db5 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | trials_NCT05625087 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['not_cancer'] | True | AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk9E | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.111+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.111+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 29 | Categorize pmc_9687204 from | 453f834e-7d59-4140-9728-0d13e8ea7db5 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | pmc_9687204 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['not_cancer'] | True | AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk85 | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.111+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.111+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 30 | Categorize trials_NCT05631795 from | 453f834e-7d59-4140-9728-0d13e8ea7db5 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | trials_NCT05631795 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['not_cancer'] | True | AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk9D | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.111+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.111+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 31 | Categorize pmc_9690760 from | 453f834e-7d59-4140-9728-0d13e8ea7db5 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Cancer - Binary Text Classification | pmc_9690760 | PARAGRAPH | | [] | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['not_cancer'] | True | AYYJ_NGkn02FJXK6Tk82 | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.111+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:40:09.111+0000 | 25036 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
| 54 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | trials_NCT05618782 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | [] | False | AYYJ_HeNn02FJXK6Tk6z | 2023-01-31T22:39:46.060+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:46.060+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["trials_NCT05618782"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-31T22:39:46.990+0000 |
| 55 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | trials_NCT05625087 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['jaw'] | True | AYYJ_Hazn02FJXK6Tk6x | 2023-01-31T22:39:45.841+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:45.841+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["trials_NCT05625087"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-31T22:39:47.305+0000 |
| 56 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | trials_NCT05631795 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['jaw'] | True | AYYJ_HX2n02FJXK6Tk6v | 2023-01-31T22:39:45.639+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:45.639+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["trials_NCT05631795"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-31T22:39:46.883+0000 |
| 57 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | trials_NCT05632289 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | [] | False | AYYJ_HV6n02FJXK6Tk6t | 2023-01-31T22:39:45.512+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:45.512+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["trials_NCT05632289"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-31T22:39:46.197+0000 |
| 58 | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | b1a6e243-d633-4504-b258-b5f790f244b9 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | Where is the osteonecrosis located on the body? | trials_NCT05639673 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | [] | False | AYYJ_HRXn02FJXK6Tk6r | 2023-01-31T22:39:45.181+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:45.181+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["trials_NCT05639673"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-31T22:39:46.167+0000 |
| 81 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | 05db6aaf-d97e-4d49-97f9-20ef2e166ff6 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | What is the disease or indication being studied? | trials_NCT05618782 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['osteoarthritis of the knee'] | True | AYYJ-_Q0n02FJXK6Tk4P | 2023-01-31T22:39:12.435+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:12.435+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["trials_NCT05618782"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-31T22:39:14.821+0000 |
| 82 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | 05db6aaf-d97e-4d49-97f9-20ef2e166ff6 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | What is the disease or indication being studied? | trials_NCT05625087 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['Long QT syndrome or family history of idiopathic sudden death or congenital long QT syndrome'] | True | AYYJ-_Nen02FJXK6Tk4N | 2023-01-31T22:39:12.218+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:12.218+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["trials_NCT05625087"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-31T22:39:20.036+0000 |
| 83 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | 05db6aaf-d97e-4d49-97f9-20ef2e166ff6 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | What is the disease or indication being studied? | trials_NCT05631795 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['confirmed PIK3CA mutant advanced or metastatic breast cancer'] | True | AYYJ-_Awn02FJXK6Tk4L | 2023-01-31T22:39:11.407+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:11.407+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["trials_NCT05631795"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-31T22:39:13.100+0000 |
| 84 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | 05db6aaf-d97e-4d49-97f9-20ef2e166ff6 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | What is the disease or indication being studied? | trials_NCT05632289 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['sickle cell disease'] | True | AYYJ--_gn02FJXK6Tk4K | 2023-01-31T22:39:11.326+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:11.326+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["trials_NCT05632289"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-31T22:39:13.663+0000 |
| 85 | What is the disease or indication being studied? | 05db6aaf-d97e-4d49-97f9-20ef2e166ff6 | AYYJ-UFin02FJXK6Tk3W | What is the disease or indication being studied? | trials_NCT05639673 | DOCUMENT_AS_PARAGRAPHS |,, | nan | 5 | 0 | True | [] | [] | 0 | False | False | [] | 0 | 0 | 0 | ['childhood ALL'] | True | AYYJ--1an02FJXK6Tk4H | 2023-01-31T22:39:10.672+0000 | 2023-01-31T22:39:10.672+0000 | 25036 | 20000 | {"documentIds":["trials_NCT05639673"],"highlight":false,"highlightPreTag":"<em>","highlightPostTag":"</em>","start":0,"sort":"dateIndexed","sortOrder":"desc"} | {'chunk_size': 5, 'null_threshold': 0} | AX9184SyOBLJbFhFZLqp | 2023-01-31T22:39:12.249+0000 |
Updated 11 months ago
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